The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Santa vs Sasquatch

Back when I had a rather girthsome BMI (BMI = obese at ~39) and had a true "Santa's bowlful of jelly" sort of belly,  the thought of ever going shirtless, other than when sleeping in bed....  was the stuff of nightmares.  

It is quite interesting for me to realize that my BMI change (current BMI = normal at ~23.0) has been something I have kept for roughly 18 years now.  Back when I had the requisite "Santa belly" my beard was just a bit of grey scattered throughout it to give a true salt-and-pepper appearance....  and my beard and mustache was short (perhaps 1 inch in length (~2.54 cm)).  Now my beard is much longer, more robust, and more Santa-esque..... and all my hair is uniformly grey (not the desired Santa white color, but a gunmetal grey).... however, my belly is no longer appropriately Santa "big".  As I hope to go to Santa School upon retirement, to be a Santa after Santa School, I will need spray whitener for my beard and mustache and an insert a pillow for my belly.  

Even though I still am emotionally a "fat-guy" inside, I can force myself to go shirtless when running in high temperatures.  Yesterday's sopping wet shirt chaffed areas uncomfortably when wet.  But, to go "Sasquatch Mode" it needs to be either VERY EARLY morning, or it needs to be EXTENSIVELY CLOUDY.  I dislike wearing sunscreen, but when I have to run in the bright sun I will wear a long sleeved shirt and then slather on sunscreen on exposed skin (non furry facial areas, neck, ears, etc), outer plams, exposed portions of legs.  

I was able to get in a reasonably acceptable 8.2 miles (~13 km) this morning before heading to the U for my 8:00am class because I did not allow myself to be a damnably, lazy lout... and forced myself out of bed.  I still did not hit the pavement at 5:00am as I had hoped.... but I did get on the trail by 5:17am.  I can do better.... and I need to work on that.  But, today was at least acceptable.

This is about all I can muster in writing today.  Lots of teaching ahead.  The computer bag I have in the teaching lab I am in this morning has a wonderful pouch of pipe tobacco that is an aromatic with a vanilla overtone, but also made with Green River Black Cavendish.  Green River Black Cavendish is a blending pipe tobacco that is made from a good quality burley leaf that is then infused with a light sugar solution and then gently heated until the burley leaf darkens (sort of like how an onion when heated caramelizes).  This gives the pipe tobacco a really beautiful in-pouch aroma, and when it is smoked, there is a bit of a wonderful, sweet, brown sugar flavor to the smoke.  While I have the students work on some of their cow heart dissections this morning, I occasionally open the pouch and deeply smell the beautiful crumbles of the Green River Black Cavendish.  





Blogger Margaret said...

I can't imagine running in that heat and humidity! I admire your dedication to it; do you think the eagerness to keep to your miles is part of the fat guy inside? A fear of going back to that?

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024  
Blogger MRMacrum said...

I admire your commitment to running. When you started out, I was skeptical you would stick with it. But I did not know you very well. I was making assumptions that you have since proven were wrong.

There is another thing I had considered when first we connected. I did not think you would stick with blogging and yet, here you are many years later still involved. And I hope you take this the way I intend it. Your writing has become excellent, no, make that better than excellent.

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024  

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