The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Just Obnoxious



So.... President Biden gives an interview to George Stephanopoulos that was broadcast last Friday.  Biden's interview was quite strong and was in my opinion quite good. 

Following the interview, ABC (home for Sephanopoulos), CNN, and NYT went in depth.... not about the interview which they glossed over.... but went in depth..... again..... ramming home their far too overstated hyperbole that the debate was a "failure and disaster" and that Biden "must step down".  

I just find this character assassination of Biden appalling and rather sinister.  I believe it is a form of unfortunately widely accepted age discrimination.  

But, more to the point.... I am now of the belief that ABC, CNN, and NYT are playing an even more sinister "money game" at this point.  I am of the belief that ABC, CNN, and NYT are wanting and hoping for Trump to win in November.... BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE EACH NEWS OUTLET A TON OF MONEY, pure and simple.  

I believe that with the fragmented way we receive news and information these days, even the big players like ABC, CNN, and NYT are struggling to capture an audience, and that they each know and remember how strong their numbers were during the Trump presidency because they could have new, outlandish things to report on damn near every day.  People would flock to hear the craziness.  

With Biden's calm, careful, and meaningful political work.... a lot of folks had less worry, less urgency to see what was up politically... and this is the only reason why I figure out why ABC, CNN, and NYT are so horribly distorted and denigrating about Biden.  THEY WANT THE MONEY AND VIEWERSHIP a second Trump presidency would bring.  

Other thoughts:

  • Biden WON all the primaries!  The voters chose him.  To dump Biden, no matter who the replacement is would take away the vote of the people who participated in the primaries.
  • A lot of talk keeps suggesting that Biden should step aside and give the reigns to Kamala Harris.  This really makes NO sense whatsoever.  If Biden should face some sort of health crisis anytime in the future, Kamala would by DEFAULT become President.  So, shouldn't we stay the course and keep who the primary voters decided?  Kamala's numbers are no different (or slightly lower) than Biden's.  
  • Others talk about some "OTHER" candidate.  This is even MORE insane.  Can you imagine the turmoil that would happen if Biden is FORCED OUT, and Kamala is not the nominee, but instead... SOMEONE ELSE?!?? Imagine the chaos!  Imagine the infighting!  It would be 1968 all over again.  There is no way in hell we would have a Democrat elected in November if this were to occur.  
  • "But, but... what about Michelle Obama?!?!?!  Her numbers are GREAT!!!!!"  (sigh)  The pure insanity of this idea goes beyond measure.  Do not get me wrong, I really like Michelle Obama.  But, 1) she has never ran for political office of any sort, and 2) she has expressed numerous times she did not want to hold political office.  

I think what is going on in the media to try to get folks to turn against Biden is actually rather horrible and sinister. 

* * * * *

  • It was quite warm (mid 70s (~23C)) at 5am this morning.  However, it was also beautifully cloudy!  So, I decided to try to get my week off to a good start by hoofing out a respectable 13.2 miles (~21 km).... my first 1/2 Marathon in July.   It felt good, but I was tired at the end.  I had my heart rate in the 150+ BPM range during ~1/2 of the run too, to hopefully bolster my aerobics.  My resting heart rate this morning when I got out of bed was 51 BPM.
  • Did some cleaning at home before going to the U..... started some deeper cleaning of the basement, deeper cleaning of the garage, and got out a lot of trash and recyclables in preparation for the garbage folks tomorrow morning.  
  • Working today at the U on more of the lab manual changes to help out the lab instructors for Fall.
  • I am still hoping that Thursday will be a great time at the "Retiree's Cigar Group".  However, I am a bit nervous in that the fellow from Mass who invited me was NOT at Mass this past weekend.  I am wondering if perhaps he has gone out towards California to visit one of his kids.  I was hoping he would be able to help me segue into the group more easily and successfully.  I am a bit nervous on whether I would fit in or not with the group.    


Blogger Margaret said...

I agree with you about Biden. The news outlets are not only showing age discrimination (why only to Biden and not the crazy Orange Man) but they also crave high ratings and lots of DRAMA--that they would get with Trump. No ethics whatsoever. I would definitely go to the Cigar Group Thursday; if you don't fit in or feel comfortable, that can be your only visit.

Tuesday, 09 July, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

That is an interesting take that could explain the reporting and analyses that we get. There must be something in it for them aside from the fact that the owners are rich and probably Republicans.

Tuesday, 09 July, 2024  
Blogger GaP said...

Agree 100% Professor. I'm voting for the party that *doesn't* have a Christian Nationalist Autocracy Plan in place.

Tuesday, 09 July, 2024  

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