The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, January 27, 2025


Perhaps I am just old or perhaps I am getting feeble minded.  I am still TOO busy.  It is rather annoying.  But, I spent quite a bit of time during the weekend getting things together for the upcoming research talks, and I am still doing the same today when I am NOT yammering in class.  

The only non-work thing I did so far, was run and I was on the track again at 6:01am, a minute after they opened so I could get that done before heading to the U.

I feel like a rat on a wheel.

I really, wholly, and very truthfully want a pipe.  PCS would be as close to 10 as I could measure without being there.  I sound like a bratty child.



Blogger Pat M. said...

Professor, you do NOT sound like a bratty child. You sound like someone who for decades took for granted the beneficent role of pipes in your life but is coming to realize that nothing else can quite replace them. Your body no doubt is learning to crave the nicotine it receives at each Retiree Cigar Group meeting, but your soul is craving what the cigars cannot provide -- the solace that came from your pipes, which presumably includes the physical aspect of the nicotine but also goes far, far deeper in reaching the innermost parts of your mental, emotional and even spiritual interior life.

Can you objectively figure out whether the 'rat race' in recent years has become more ratty and/or more of a race, or whether it has always been so but your pipes gave you the ability to tolerate the drudgeries?

I'm going to guess that you might feel reduced physical PCS cravings if you could wean yourself away from the Retirees Cigar Group meetings, though you would then deprive yourself of the camaraderie that I suspect is even more valuable to you than the cigars. But from what you write I'm definitely getting the sense that the only long-term viable nicotine-ingestion scenario for you must eventually involve your pipes, whether in a tightly managed regimen or in a relaxed and unmeasured manner. That's not the dilemma of a bratty child; it's the dilemma of a cigar-smoking pipe-smoker. Now get off that wheel for a while, and if you won't allow yourself a pipe at least treat yourself to a wonderfully indulgent big-as-your-head salad, kind sir!

Monday, 27 January, 2025  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

It been a while since I felt like a rat on a wheel

Monday, 27 January, 2025  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

It is possible that some tasks might take you longer as you age, not because of diminished capacity but because you become more careful and exacting about getting tasks done right.

Tuesday, 28 January, 2025  
Blogger Margaret said...

Not a bratty child, just an overwhelmed person who is juggling many responsibilities and stresses. I'm not sure a pipe would help; in fact, it might add guilt to everything else going on. I would rather see you have a celebratory pipe when you're relaxed than one to alleviate stress. My own humble opinion.

Tuesday, 28 January, 2025  

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