Still Exhausted, But...
I am still VERY busy.... too busy. But, unlike the last few days, I do feel more calm, more focused, and less aggravated about things. I am QUITE tired, but things feel a lot better.
Why is this?
Did I have a pipe?!?
Haha, no. I wish. BUT, I did have a beautiful DREAM about pipe smoking last night. It was "kind of" a memory dream, but also different. The dream was of a many decade ago conference I was presenting some research at. This conference was being held on the campus of Michigan State University that year. MSU is in the city of East Lansing, Michigan and there is (or was) a pipe shop there called "Campbell's Pipe Shop" that I remember fondly. In this dream it IS the time 35+ some odd years ago but, I was in the shop as my current, craggy, old self of today. There was nothing particularly unique about the dream other than the juxtaposition of my age and the event age. But the dream was just me smoking my pipe and chatting away a whole afternoon, feeling carefree.
- I ran my typical zillion-billion loops this morning (10.1 miles (~16km)) at the track. I have been being pleasantly consistent starting "hoofing" at the latest by 6:05am every day this week, which gives me more flexibility with my day. Even just a 20-25 minute delay in starting (getting there at 6:30am for example) really puts a crimp in my schedule for the day. When I can get back to outside running some day.... I look forward to being able to have the start time typically be more akin to 5:00am so I do not feel so rushed and pressured.
- My wife and I have swimming plans later this afternoon. That is helpful too, as it gives me something to look forward to.
- And, I am also looking forward to hopefully going to the POTENTIAL "Retiree's Cigar Group" meeting tomorrow. The meeting WILL happen, but I fear I will arrive too damn late to see my friends which is quite sad. But, hopefully one or two stragglers will remain. But... I am bringing a FUN book to read (not work related) as a backup.
PCS - 8... the sharp edge has worn off it seems. I attribute it to the joy of the dream.
Contentedness Score = 5..... better..... but it would be wonderful to move up into an 8, or 9.
I'm glad that you're in a better place, even without a pipe. I think those dreams and memories do help you relive the sensation of smoking one. You haven't mentioned your foot lately--all good?
Dream images can be very impactful, apparently, and send dopamine into our system. So I have heard. I have experienced the effect every now and then, even if I have not understood the cause properly.
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