Computer is My Arch Nemesis
Even though my wife may sometimes suggest that my arch nemesis may be similar to Chewbacca above since I grew my beard and mustache out, the reality is that the COMPUTER is my arch nemesis. It is all I have been glued to in order to get things ready for my researchers upcoming talks. It is exhausting.
That is why I have unfortunately not had the beautiful luxury to write here..... mostly because I end up being on the computer so damn much at the moment, that coming back on to the infernal machine to eek out some fun..... like writing on my blog is.... is difficult to muster up the energy for at the moment. I am hoping that by the end of the day TODAY I will have sent out all the DRAFT materials to my researchers and I will be FREE!!!!!!!
Mass, going swimming twice with my wife, The Retiree's Cigar Group, and watching a special showing of "Groundhog Day" yesterday have been the highlights of my non-computer addled life.
But, I hope to be FREE of this toxic electronic machine today, and perhaps return to a more normal existence tomorrow!!!
We lived without them once, and life was, somehow, okay. But I am pretty glued.
Oh, did you get to go to the Cigar Group? I spend most of my time in the morning doing games on my phone and then blogging/reading blogs on my laptop but then I go off for a walk. As a teacher, I had to be constantly doing attendance and grading with a computer so I rarely used one at home.
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