The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Comments Commentary "Monday" (on Wednesday)


First.... just a brief note about Joe Biden... I have been wanting to talk about this since last Thursday.... but got side tracked by the electronica issue and U work and just generally "catching up".  So here goes:

1.  Joe Biden DID NOT have a great debate last Thursday.  BUT... IMO, in no way, shape or form was it the "disaster" that a lot of folks in some surprising media outlets are proclaiming.  The way both the New York Times and CNN are bashing Biden and calling for him to quit the election is in my opinion APPALLING!  Joe Biden stumbled some at first (the man had a bad cold and did not feel great), but was was strong and clear for the last 2/3 of the debate.  

2.  The calling (especially by the NYT and CNN) for Biden to step down are FOOLISH, ill-advised, and bigoted in my opinion.  It speaks of ageism in my manner of thinking.  

3.  I think if Biden were to step down, it would ASSURE that Trump would win.  There would be too much chaos in the Democratic party and it would be akin to the 1968 Convention all over again.  

4.  To try to oust Biden at this late stage would also be a slap in the face to all the primary voters who supported and voted for Biden.  

5.  I think Biden is far stronger than folks are giving him credit for.  One weaker debate and folks are ready to throw him out with the bathwater. It is infuriating.

* * * * *

Again, because of the difficulty with electronica while in Canada, it meant that I was unable to post on Monday this week, as I could do nothing other than work to catch up on U things during my unexpected electronic hiatus.  I had thought of writing about comments today but in looking back, all the comments from last week (the one day I was posting) were about the then upcoming debate.... and I gave my opinions about that above.  :)   So, I will now return to commenting again next Monday like is my new "usual".  :)  

* * * * * 

  • Ran a hard 12 miles (~19 km) today.  My body has felt rather tired this week.  I am not sure why.  
  • Tomorrow is Independence Day.  I am not sure what my wife has planned for us to do.  I will just go with the flow.  
  • Sometimes it feels rather too melancholy to think about my pipes and pipe tobaccos, for while I miss them and would very much like to be following my old ways with them, it does seem a rather "Impossible Dream" (yes, I am hearing the song from "Man of La Mancha" in my mind) in 2024.  I miss how it was back then.  (and yes, I am also hearing the theme song from "The Way We Were" in my mind too).  I CANNOT not think about them, but sometimes when I do think about them, instead of being able to remember the beauty of how it used to be, it just feels sad that it is not that way today.  
  • I am still excited (and still a bit nervous) about the potential retirees "Cigar Social" that I want to try on the 11th. I hope it will be a good thing for me, and hope I may be able to parlay it eventually into being a spot for me to have an occasional pipe.



Blogger Margaret said...

I agree with you about Biden. He's old but he's conscientious, sane, intelligent and a kind and decent person. The other candidate is NONE of those.

Wednesday, 03 July, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

People need to understand that one can be a very competent and lucid thinker despite having brain lapses in difficult situations.

Wednesday, 03 July, 2024  
Blogger Pam J. said...

I appreciate your well-reasoned defense of Joe Biden. I needed it, like a slap on the face from a 1940s melodrama. I’m trying to believe that he can win but I was not hopeful before the debate and it’s hard to be optimistic. For better or worse I don’t think I have an imagination robust enough to predict what trump can or will do in a second, SCOTUS-empowered administration. My mantra is this: only MI, WI, and PA — together — can give Biden a win.

Thursday, 04 July, 2024  

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