The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Daydream Believer


As I have been doing a fair amount of grading, one of the benefits of grading is that relatively speaking it is somewhat mindless.  This affords me the ability to drift around into various other thoughts.  This is likely to be so most of today as well.  

My wife and I went swimming last night which further helped my mood about all manner of things that had been challenging.  And my new book from the parish I visited has proven extremely helpful in giving me thought tools to help me refocus away from my worries as much and more towards service..... enormously helpful for my mood.  

I even had a pleasant time drifting off to sleep last night.  In my mind I relived the pleasantries of the cigar and beer experience I had at the cigar bar when I was able to travel with my wife.  I remembered the delightful creaminess of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway.  It was not as flavorful as a pipe, but it was so pleasant, so unexpected, and so simultaneously NORMAL feeling that the afternoon on that patio, quietly enjoying the cigar and the single beer felt so affirming.  I felt more "me" than I have felt in a long while.  

And, I even had a dream that I remembered last night too!  In the dream I was smoking one of my Peterson pipes and had the great pleasure of enjoying a bowlful of simple, traditional Prince Albert pipe tobacco.  Every gentle nuance of the leaf seemed vivid and punctuated in my dream.

I am now very eagerly hoping to visit the retirees cigar group across town as soon as I am able.  I believe the first Thursday I will have is now going to be July 11th (technically I could go July 4th, but I suspect it would not be a normal experience due to the holiday).  I feel very comfortable now going because I can enjoy an Arturo Fuente and hopefully find a nice cadre of new friends as well.  And, after visiting once or twice, I should have a good idea on how/if a transition by me to a pipe would be appropriate in future events.

Of course, it could be that the group may not be a good fit.  But, I cannot worry about that now.  I suspect, that if the folks are similar to the fellow from Mass, that they are likely a good group.  

Dreams, including day dreams are helpful.  My mood is much better today than it had been much of the week.   

"Daydream Believer" (the song) was NEVER a favorite of mine.  Actually, to my ears it is rather schlocky.  That does not mean I do not have several songs by the Monkees that I do greatly enjoy.  I would likely state that "Pleasant Valley Sunday" is very much a favorite of mine.   Other favorites include "The Door Into Summer",  "Love is Only Sleeping", and "Circle Sky" and "Can You Dig It?".



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Although I might recognize them if I were to hear them, I don't know the other songs, but I do know Daydream Believer. As with you, it's not necessarily a favorite.

Friday, 14 June, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I liked The Last Train to Clarksville for some reason. The Monkees weren't really musicians, but their songs were catchy, and I enjoy catchy tunes. I'm glad that you're going to keep with the retirees' cigar group. You don't know if you would be a fit until you try it at least a few times!

Friday, 14 June, 2024  
Blogger MRMacrum said...

I was never much of a Monkees fan. "Day Dream Believer" and "Last Train to Clarksville" are the only tunes I remember. I had fallen in love with British Blues at that point which began my separation from anything Top 40. I came back later, but then left again.

Saturday, 15 June, 2024  
Blogger GaP said...

"I felt more like 'me' than I have felt in a long while." To me, that says it all, Professor, in regard to your pipe-smoking.

Saturday, 15 June, 2024  

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