The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Comments But No Cigar

Well, as expected, I was unable to attend the Retiree's Cigar Group yesterday.  It was a true disappointment for me.  But, if I had not worked to fix all the issues yesterday (and today), it would be utter chaos next week.  So, I did the "right" thing.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that NEXT THURSDAY, I will be able to again go.

Some replies related to a few comments from last week:

AC wrote.....

"I remember you not being happy about not recalling dreams."

That is quite true.  Most of the time I DO NOT recall dreams.... still.  It appears that when I can end up recalling a dream, it is typically when I wake up in the middle of the dream.  I wish I could recall dreams more often.

"Interesting how your ‘profession’ affects your enjoyment of food."

When I first saw your comment and it was in quotes, I misread it as 'your "Professin' " ' which to me had me chuckle, as my professing as a professor does indeed affect my food preferences.  

GaP wrote....

"Al Swearengen so aptly put it in DEADWOOD...They're handing you a bag of sh*t to hold..."

I have heard SO MANY good things about the series, "Deadwood".  Unfortunately I did not have the correct (expensive) cable channels back when it was originally on.  I need to look at what options there are now to view the show.  I would like to see it.  Same idea, truthfully for "The Sopranos" as well.  

Pam J wrote....

"Great dream! I love my dreams, most of the time. I like seeing old friends and family. Hemingway is a fun arrival in your dream world. I’m surprised at the level of detail you were able to capture."

It was fun to see Ernest Hemingway.  I have been a fan of his work and have also ~50 biographies written about him as well.  In terms of detail.... it is odd.... but I really remember few dreams, unfortunately.  But, if I am woken in the MIDDLE of a dream, I seem to have an ability to remember it.  But, then if it is a "good" dream, it is a bit frustrating as it has not finished. :)  Some, perhaps most of the dreams I recall are rather vague.  Only an occasional dream is vivid in detail for me.

Pat M wrote....

"...maybe you could allow yourself one pipeful of tobacco on any Thursday when you are unable to attend the group? That might be exactly the "miniature vacation" you'll need today in the midst of the stressful repairs."

That would be an excellent alternative, and I would relish that as an option.  But, truthfully, I am not sure if I were to have a (delightful, robust, aromatically diverse, beautifully soothing) pipe in an occasion that was not rigidly structured, precisely regulated, and purposefully planned with an obvious end point..... I am not sure if it would not become a "slippery slope" sort of situation for me.  Would I find ways to then further "not attend" the group?  Would I simply indulge in a pipe at home in this scenario.... and if so, would I become inclined to do so at will?  As I am not sure of my willpower when I do not have rigid enough parameters for a pipe, it makes me rather nervous to do as suggested.... even though it is a wonderful idea.

StreetWriter wrote....

"I think you should treat the Cigar Group as an unbreakable appointment."

I do try to make it as immutable as possible.  But, the weight of these errors of others was significant enough, that I HAD to step in.

"You should tell the others who have been messing up that they damn well better have those things corrected by tomorrow."

Those exact thoughts along with similar language (perhaps even a bit more coarse) were running through my mind all day yesterday as what I would LIKE to have done.  But, I would have felt guilty in doing so.  People do make mistakes.  And, sometimes those mistakes affect others, but I have to try to view such things as a "teachable" moment, and act with as much kindness as I can muster.  I was trying yesterday and today, to try to think more with a Capuchin ethos... at least as much of one as I could attain.  

Margaret wrote....

'Ernest Hemingway was a pipe smoker so he definitely belonged in your dream. I don't like steak either, salmon in restaurants is often of the farmed variety and I don't like a bunch of starchy sides. I would probably order a pork chop like you did or a side salad and some kind of appetizer, if they had those."

Ernest Hemingway is a fellow with whom I have spent a great deal of time reading biographies.  I find his life extremely interesting (for good and bad).  I am not sure why he in particular struck such a chord with me, as I have ~50 biographies about him, as well as all of his works.  I also have a fair interest in two of his contemporaries as well.... John Steinbeck and William Faulkner.... although I have only a subset of each of their works and perhaps 2-3 biographies of each fellow.

"Those glasses plus the beard must make you look very learned,"

It is interesting to me, that because I am truly average at best in all regards, and this includes appearances.... instead of TRYING to model myself after the fashion trends, or in trying to adopt a "GQ" sort of demeanor.... all my life, I have generally focused on....  when having to adopt attire, adopt an "appearance", etc.... I have gravitated towards a rather stereotypical trope of a "professor" even well  before I became one.  To chase after a trend, or a style, or a "cutting edge" appearance always seemed too damn exhausting, and also not possible with my averageness.  So, instead, I have, even as a kid, sort of "leaned in" on the demeanor type of the "absent minded professor".  It was an easy, comfortable fit, and I did not have to worry about trends. And, getting back to the glasses.... I always liked wire rimmed glasses, and also liked the "old shopkeeper" "owlish" sort of look of the round glasses too.  And, as I have aged, it is an even easier, even more comfortable fit.

* * * * *

  • I did run 6.2 miles (10 km) in the rain (cold rain) this morning.  I am glad my heel is still pain free. I feel decent enough I may bump up back to my usual next week.  I would be quite happy to be fully back at that level.   
  • I never know if folks always see the image I add atop of a post.  As is my inclination, I try in some fashion to have it link appropriately to the post.... but... at least to me, I often have that link be either an "ironic" or "humorous" connection (sometimes the humor may only be apparent to me, I fear).  But, in case you do not recognize the image... it is an EMPTY cigar box...... it was meant to evoke the idea of "no cigar for me" this week.  And the title "Comments But No Cigar" itself was my feeble attempt at a humorous corruption of the "Close But No Cigar" phrase so commonly used. 



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