The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, October 17, 2024



I did not feel like running this morning, and therefore, to TRY to stay productive, I went to the U early.  I am hoping to get many things accomplished especially in regards to the new research projects for my researchers.  I am not highly motivated, but I am trying to force myself through the sloth-like attitude and do what I need to do in an efficient fashion.  

My emotions are rather difficult to manage right now, as I learned yesterday that a close friend from graduate school has now entered hospice.  She has had to go through a huge array of health issues in the last six years or so.  Yet, at the same time, it had seemed that her battle had been stable.  This news has me feeling a sense of loss, and also has me thinking back across to our roughly 40 year friendship.  I have been recalling a lot of dusty memories of graduate school.

I am in a 50-50 mode concerning the Retiree's Cigar Group today.  A part of me wants to go.  But, another part of me feels a) the long drive is not appealing, b) I am not sure if my general mood would be conducive to having it be a relaxing experience, and c) I feel that perhaps I should instead just plow forward with more work.

I DO have definitive plans, however, to at the end of the day (either after work, or after the Retiree's Cigar Group) to get in a run..... and possibly some weights work, and hopefully a swim.  I am trying to keep up my momentum as I return to running.  I am still below the mileage I want in a week, and my heel is still healing (it is pain free, but has a deeply red, irritated looking region roughly the size of a quarter,  so it is still a work in progress).... but I am back to daily running. I am trying to start a consistent pattern of weight training as well (my goal is three times a week for this).  

So.... back to work, I guess.  



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

It sort of seems like your cigar group is fine but perhaps not worth the cost in time and distance.

Thursday, 17 October, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

It doesn't sound like today is a good day to go to the Cigar group but I like the sound of your plans for the end of the day. I need to do some weight training too! My arms are so weak.

Thursday, 17 October, 2024  

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