The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Wednesday is always a busy day this semester.  It is my longest day in regards to lecturing.  More frost again this morning.  This is now the fifth day of frost.  I am even considering turning on the furnace at home today as it is hovering close to 60 F (~15 C) inside now and that is very cold feeling especially in the morning. It feels somewhat "wimpy" to do so, however.  

I pulled out one of my heavier, tweedier sport coats to wear today.  I do not think I had worn it since perhaps last March.  When I reached the U, I was trying to slide my phone into the jacket pocket when I realized there was one of my beautiful pipes in the pocket.  I likely had been carrying it around as a "pacifier" of sorts back in March to quell my yearnings.  Today, finding it unexpectedly in my pocket, actually intensified a bit my already (omnipresent) yearnings for a pipe.  But, at least I can fiddle with it a bit throughout the day.  

I ran (pain free) 5 miles yesterday, and another 5 miles today.  That is a dramatic improvement.  I am hoping to be back up to my normal soon.  I hope the last of the damn corn/wart thing will "pop out" soon and it will all be DONE.  

I do not know if this was an idea for a story that I read, or if it was one of a variety of "sci-fi" plot lines I have actually developed myself over the years.... but I was thinking about this story idea and how enjoyable it could be..... IF our life WAS predestined, it would be potential to have a known flow diagram of what each day of our lives would be.  In my thoughts on this story construct, I imagined how, if it were possible, I would organize the experiencing of these days of my life.  In my mind, I envisioned receiving some sort of "guide" from an "overseer" (perhaps God, or perhaps something else) that would list all the days of your life with a 1-10 ranking of how you would perceive and experience that day, with "1" being a horrific day and "10" being a wonderful day.  In my mind, other than my death day, which I would put at the end of the string of all my days, I would aggregate and order my days in order so that I could live through first all the "1s" and then all the "2s" so that as I experienced all my days, they would get progressively brighter and happier, at least until my death day. 

I was reminded of the above story outline this morning as I was imagining in my head the very pleasant idea of being able to relive some of the especially happy moments.  Today, I was envisioning in my mind the idea of being able to relive several, very happy, very contented, very casual days in the mid-1970s.  I was reflecting on how carefree, and calming, and damn fun days were, especially in my mind today, in roughly the 1975 & 1976 years.  In many ways, there always seemed to be exciting things happening, time seemed rather limitless, and pretty much most days were carefree and joyful.  



Blogger Pat M. said...

Correlation is not causation, of course, but it is obvious that your happiest days were enjoyed with the presence of your pipes. Perhaps one benefit of going back to your pipes, Professor, will be that not only will they help you relive those happiest times, but by doing so they will also bring fresh happiness to your present times. Whether it's at the Retirees Group, at your father's grave, or in some other meaningful context, I hope you find ways to reconnect with that which has brought you the most happiness throughout your life. I hope you enjoy spending the day with your pacifier and old friend in your pocket!

Wednesday, 16 October, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I don't think I would be the realistic optimist/cheerful pessimist I am today if I'd had mostly 1s and 2s in my younger years. A mix of happy/sad is a must so that we don't feel that life is hopeless and tragic. Even if today is a 1, tomorrow might be better. I would rather live at about a 7, think.

Wednesday, 16 October, 2024  

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