The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Inflammatory Responses


It has been less than a stellar day.  I awoke very grumpy (about the usual things I do not talk about, which were the focus of my "dreams" last night).  I also feel a bit "swollen" but not in any specific sense other than my TMJ is acting up (probably from significant clenching and grinding during my sleep).  So, I feel tired physically and unfocused and sad emotionally.  

But, I have been trying to "shake it off".  I pounded out my 10 miles (~16 km).  Other than my high fiber cereal this morning, I have been fasting and only trying to consume a lot of fluids.  We had our Department's Christmas Meal, which also had its ups and downs.  I did not want to eat, so I took a few "treats" on a plate and will share them with my wife this evening.  I brought a pesto pasta salad to share at this meal, which is a very large "potluck".  

It is difficult feeling so unfocused.  I really do not want to do anything.  But, I need to keep trudging.  I am writing a bunch of abstracts for a future meeting that I am goading my undergraduate researchers to present at.  The due date for submitting the abstracts is pretty soon.  Finals are ongoing and a plethora of students are coming to my door wanting to "discuss" their grade (because they are not performing as they think they "always do" in every other class).  They also consistently inquire about the possibility of "extra credit" that they could potentially have (!?!?!?!).  With ~230 students this semester in my classes, there is a whole lot of kvetching by them this time of year.

* * * * *

I really would enjoy a pipe right now.  But that is, of course, not possible because I do not have a plan to know how to do so without "falling off the wagon".

I really would enjoy an IPA or two, but I do not need the calories at this time of year for it is already rather damn hard for my formerly fatso self to maintain my normal BMI at this time of the year.  It is interesting to me that I get occasional comments about being "skinny" these days, but my psyche still feels like the fat person I had always been.  Even though I am approaching what is about 16 years of a normal BMI (a revelation to me as well, because it does not seem that long ago).

I am looking forward to the hoped for possibility of being in the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this week, but that is not until Thursday, and who knows what trials and tribulations may occur to thwart that.  

* * * * *
I can be stubborn when I need to be.  At least I can be stubborn to myself, when push-comes-to-shove.



Blogger Margaret said...

I don't think of you as stubborn, but as focused and determined. You know who you want to be and work toward that. It's a shame that we can't convince our children to be their best selves, eh? I'm still working on it but it's an up and down and day to day thing. I hope you can get to the Cigar Group; it sounds like you need relaxing time away from your normal routine. Older Daughter talked a lot about abstracts and students wanting extra credit when they just should have worked harder (or at all) during the quarter/semester. Bah!

Tuesday, 10 December, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Are you thin or fat in your dreams? I am young, thin and have hair. I don't know how I know that since I usually see outward in my dreams, but somehow I do know.

Tuesday, 10 December, 2024  
Blogger GaP said...

Regarding the pipe, I'm with Pat on this one. Going by past entries, you seemed more centered when you were melding flame to leaf. Just my unsolicited opinion. Feel free to ignore...

Wednesday, 11 December, 2024  

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