Mashed Potatoes
My mind.
I am too exhausted to write coherently. Instead of functional neural circuitry, my mind is like a bowl of mashed potatoes at the moment. It was not a horrible day, but I am tired:
- Four hours of big voice lecturing did me in.
- In one class I was ranting on and on about stem cell use and function related to different systems of the body. In one example, I spoke (IMO) rather eloquently about hemocytoblasts which are stem cells that have the functional capacity to produce any of the various different cellular components of blood (RBCs, the numerous WBCs, and even the cell fragments called platelets..... although since platelets are not cells, but fragments, their committed cell precursor from the hemocytoblast is technically referred to as a megakaryocyte).
- In the other class I yammered on and on about physiological impact of pollutant exposure to a number of "forever chemicals" on development. One particular example of the many I discussed was, the herbicide atrazine. This pollutant has the potential to disrupt the fertility of males by preventing the typical cellurization of the testes while the male is developing in utero.... leading to a male with non-sperm producing testes, and a severe lack of testosterone (and other androgen production) that will abnormally shape developing brain morphology, and behavioral anomalies.
- I stomped out my 9 miles this morning (~14.5 km). I was already tired when I started. Interestingly, although still tired when finished, I was a bit LESS tired.
- Worked on more student materials for their conference. I am about 85% done. If I work damn hard tonight... maybe, just maybe I can get the damn things off my plate for a while.
Even though I have and plan to reply in a detailed way (please have faith, I will do this as soon as I can) to many of the recent comments.... I did want to let AC know a simple answer to his question about my big voicing. Most of my classes at the U are in 90 minute blocks. The ones I have this semester (and hell, most semesters) are back-to-back. I have one class that is only 60 minutes, but all my other classes are in 90 minute blocks 2-4 times a week depending on the course and its credit load. Mixing and matching those classes creates the large blocks of "big voicing" I spoke of yesterday.
PCS - 9.... I do not know what to say anymore.... just that I am in a state of very DEEP cravings for a pipe. I am not sure if the lack of time is exacerbating this or if there are other reasons, but it is a STRONG, PERSISTENT desire that does not abate.
Contentedness Score..... I would have to say at this MOMENT, I am at a 3.5.... mostly because it is the "end" of the scheduled work day.
I can tell that you have a passion for teaching and are a good lecturer although much of it would go over my head. Is it best to assuage that craving by having a pipe or would that feel like the start to giving into more pipe smoking? Only you can answer that, PT! I trust you to make a good decision.
Thanks for the answer. I thought so but wasn't sure.
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