After last Monday's post, I started to not feel particularly well. By Monday afternoon I felt really awful.
The difficulty seemed to be my TMJ, so I just kept trying to persevere.
Tuesday was much worse.
Wednesday was horrific. Very significant pain in my ear. Nearly unbearable TMJ. A sore throat that was sharp every time I tried to swallow. And, I began to lose my voice. At the end of the day, I went to a regional "Quick-Med".
They checked me out. They did a throat culture for Strep Throat. They looked at my ear. They told me I had a SIGNIFICANT ear infection (throat culture was negative for Strep). They gave me a prescription for an antibiotic, and I went home.
We have a bit of a pharmacy issue in our region as so many pharmacies have closed in the last several months. I went to the Walgreens in my area, and there was a line of at least 30 folks (and also a dozen additional folks in the prescription "Drive Thru". I was feeling so bad, I could not imagine waiting what would have been at least 90 minutes at that pharmacy with folks coughing and hacking. So I went home. I phoned my wife to see if she might be willing to stop at the pharmacy when she went by there on her way home, thinking by the the backlog would be gone.
My wife came home and reported longer lines than what I had experienced, and she said she would go back later. Fortunately this is a 24 hour pharmacy, and so, she tried again ~10pm..... to no avail. Then she went back around 1:00am and only had to wait around 20 minutes. So, I had my first dose, in the middle of the night.
Thursday, I was still feeling so, so sick. So, for the first time in about 10 years, I ended up calling my secretary and asking her to put cancellation notices on the doors to my classrooms on Thursday and to tell them (my students) on this sign to look for an e-mail from me.
I basically stayed in bed from Wednesday afternoon through Friday afternoon. By then, I could feel a lessening of the pain and discomfort. The antibiotic seemed to be doing its thing and my ear pain had regressed some.
So, today I am back, playing catch up.
I never thought ear issues were any big deal until I had the plugged eustachian tubes and sinus problems. Utterly miserable! I'm glad you're on the mend, PT!
You were hit hard. Like Margaret, I know how bad ear infections can feel.
I am shocked by the pharmacy situation. I think of the USA as a place where you can get medical help anywhere at any time.
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