The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Snow and Computer

Just a brief post because I have been unable to sit to write anything meaningful (if I ever do, anyway).....

We had a large amount of snow that happened Saturday through to Sunday and  while we made it to Mass on Saturday, most all weekend my time was spent either a) on the computer doing analysis to help my research students prepare their talks or I was snow shoveling.  

I did help my wife with dinner, however... Frittata, (with lots of vegetables and an Ethiopian style curry seasoning), lots of other vegetables, and my requisite salad that is bigger than my head. 

I am exceedingly bushed this Tuesday morning.   My secretary messed up the printing of my exams for students, so I am lecturing ahead on the fly instead.  That is exhausting.  

I daydream and night-dream about pipes and pipe tobaccos.  And, I also keep imagining the act of being able to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" this Thursday.  

Running like usual.  Band last night was squeezed in.  But, very little else but work when I come home.  I am a true cyborg at this point.  

The end of this mad work schedule is in sight.  I am hoping before Thursday when I head to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" I will have everything as done as I can damn well do for my students and it is then on them to PRACTICE and PRACTICE their talks.  They will have about 1.5 weeks to bring their talks up to snuff..... so they need to practice.



Blogger Margaret said...

Snow adds another layer (or even more layers) to the stress and busyness of your life, PT. I hope that all goes well with the rest of your week and that the Cigar Group is a go!

Tuesday, 18 February, 2025  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I'm behind. I hope today, Wednesday, goes well.

Wednesday, 19 February, 2025  

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