The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tastes & Trivialities


To me, it is interesting how (probably based upon genetics more than upbringing, although that probably plays a role as well) there are several "tastes" that my wife and I disagree with each other in regards to foods and flavorants.  Here are a few:

Olives - I have never met an olive that I do not relish.  My wife abhors any type of olive.

Mustard - I enjoy all types of mustard (especially Dijon).  My wife avoids mustard whenever possible.

Matcha - Any food or drink infused with matcha is something I really enjoy.  My wife hates matcha and suggests it tastes like lawn clippings.

Taro - I have only recently (last few years) experienced taro, but I find it delightful in the cakes, cookies, candies, and other items I have had.  My wife finds the flavor quite unappealing.

Mushrooms - I could eat gallons of mushrooms of any sort.  My wife suggests they taste like eating "dirt".

Pickles - I greatly enjoy dill and gherkins, my wife greatly dislikes them.   My wife greatly enjoys sweet pickles, and I would prefer to avoid them.  However, we both greatly enjoy "bread & butter" pickles.

Ketchup (catsup) - my wife relishes ketchup on almost anything (including macaroni & cheese (gag)).  I generally avoid ketchup except perhaps on French Fries, which truthfully I very seldom eat.... but when I do, I would rather have something else on French Fries (mustard, BBQ sauce, marina sauce, gravy (like on Poutine), melted cheese, chili, or Ranch dressing).

Teriyaki - my wife would enjoy teriyaki flavors every day.  I dislike teriyaki immensely. 

Horseradish (and also wasabi) - I absolutely relish both horseradish and wasabi.  My wife grimmaces just seeing either of them available.   

Swiss Chard - I can eat pounds of the stuff.  My wife thinks it is intolerable.  

Kale - I enjoy, my wife abhors. 

Shrimp - my wife loves shrimp.  I simply cannot tolerate shrimp.  I dislike the flavor, and I immensely dislike the texture.

Cocktail Sauce -  my wife greatly enjoys this (yes, especially on shrimp).  I dislike it.... it is IMO just a "gussied up" ketchup.  

"Sweet & Sour" Sauce - my wife loves.... I would much prefer to avoid.

Tamarind - a relatively new flavor to me, but over the last several years I have found it delightful when I come across a dish that has this flavor, or in a few candies I have seen.  I had my wife try a few of these, and the "look" she gives me..... just tells me all I need to know.... she despises tamarind.  

Jack Fruit - another recent find, but since it has been available the last several years, when I see it, I will get some.  It is a beyond HUGE fruit, but at a few grocery stores, they will subdivide the enormous jack fruit into smaller sections, so that it is more workable to purchase for folks who do not want 10 pounds of it at a time.  I very much like the flavor of Jack Fruit.  My wife.... no. 

Obviously, my wife and I share MANY flavors in foods that we both like.  But, the flavors we disagree on are to me, rather interesting.   

* * * * *

Ran a very sweaty 10.4 miles this morning.  I did go "Sasquatch" mode again as it was 80 degrees (~26.5 C) at 5:45 am! My furry self, I think, scarred some of the wild turkeys I came across on the trail. 

Doing a lot of grading today, and I have also spent a lot of time finding and printing out receipts.. and filling out stacks of U required paperwork so I can receive reimbursement for the various U research travels I have had the last few months. 

* * * * *

It is an interesting dichotomy.  While running this morning, I was (after completing the rosary) allowing my mind to drift to whatever it wished, and I recognized a bit of a dichotomy:

As you may anticipate, my mind drifted, when allowed, to memories of pipe smoking.  I was remembering today, how.... so, so long ago, it felt utterly nourishing for me to indulge in bowl after bowlful of robust Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco during the intensive period of my writing the near final draft of my doctoral dissertation.  Even though writing a dissertation is not classically considered a "fun" experience, I was remembering the many hours I spent at my desk nearly hidden in stacks and stacks of various journal articles, research notebooks, etc.  I remembered the three pipes I was primarily smoking at that time, and how they sat around on the desk, with the ashtray overflowing with spent pipe ashes, and the round canister of Sir Walter Raleigh on my desk.  And, I was remember the gentle word play I tried to incorporate in my dissertation writing.... simply to amuse me.  The pipes and Sir Walter Raleigh were integral companions during this gargantuan writing effort. And though it has been decades since that time, while running, I could almost feel and sense the experiences as if it was only yesterday. The flavors and textures and tastes and power of the Sir Walter Raleigh infused me and encouraged me to keep putting the words down.

But, then also as I ran, I was imaging the future "Retiree's Group" that I am so hoping to visit in July.  And, while I am now comfortably confident I will not make a fool of myself with a cigar, and will even enjoy it.... the bigger hope is that the fellows there will be folks who can fill some of that need I have for in terms of that sort of casual friendship.  I am hoping it will be similar to my imagination.  

And, perhaps if it goes as swimmingly as I hope, perhaps I will find it a comfortable venue to venture into having a pipe there instead of a cigar.  That would then hit the best of both worlds, IMO! 

Those thoughts percolated back and forth through my mind as I finished my run.



Blogger MRMacrum said...

As far as tastes, I am more like you. I favor savory over sweet. What I want to know is Mayonnaise or Cool Whip?

Wednesday, 19 June, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Reading your list makes me wonder what the heck I eat. Well, it was just tuna sandwich and chips at supper, and mainly a bran muffin and grapes at lunch.

Wednesday, 19 June, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

Hoping for your retirees' group visit in July! I was thinking I was more like you in my tastes, but I'm also like your wife. Things I ahbor: sweet pickles (love dill), green olives (love black), most ketchup (adore mustard and horseradish) among others. Unlike you, I like teriyaki and don't mind shrimp (only the small ones though) and cocktail sauce.

Thursday, 20 June, 2024  

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