The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Just Fussing & Finagling


Just fussing and finagling all sorts of documents on the computer today as I adjust dates on syllabi, a whole host of other documents, and  adjust dates on my various LMSs.  It is rather akin to "grunt" work that is tedious, and my mind drifts readily.  

Times of this sort of mundane, but very focused work had typically been times where my pipes and pipe tobaccos were my constant companions to assist me in this sort of work.  I fondly remember my tendency during these sorts of times to have multiple, consecutive bowlfuls of pipe tobacco.... typically varying the brand/flavor of pipe tobacco with each bowlful to keep things interesting.  Interestingly, I do remember many of the rotations of different pipe tobaccos I consumed during those times, and I would often have several bowlfuls of leaf I only very infrequently sampled to keep it interesting.  But I scantly if at all remember the monotony of the keyboard or pen of those same times.  So, in many ways I feel the pipes and tobaccos were BOTH a focuser for me in my work and also a highly pleasant distractor from this mundane work.  

My hope is to have everything up to snuff and ready to go by Wednesday at the end of the day at the latest!  I need to focus on research things, and need the mundanities of getting the courses ready to be DONE so I can just focus on my opening day lectures and my research.

I ran 10.2 miles (~16.5 km) this morning.  That is a helluva lot of loops on the track.


Contentedness Score - 5.  I feel rather neutral today.  Just grinding through.

Pipe Craving Score - 9.  As stated in the above, today's workload would especially draw me to my beloved pipes and pipe tobaccos (but then again, it seems perhaps everything does. 😄 ).  But, I can sincerely state that today the yearning is significantly strong and very deep.  Interestingly, I abruptly awoke this morning at ~2:30am, feeling hot and sweaty (this happens occasionally).  I got up and walked out in my pajamas onto the back porch to cool off a bit so I could go to sleep.  In my mind, I would have relished a pipe then too (and "back in the day" typically would have done so).  I wonder if I was already anticipating the planed monotony?



Blogger Margaret said...

Associations between various activities can be strong and powerful. I hope that everything gets done to your satisfaction. Track running made me dizzy!

Tuesday, 07 January, 2025  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

So, you are between semesters?

Tuesday, 07 January, 2025  

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