With the advent of the new year beginning at midnight, I though I would simply list some of my resolution for myself in 2025:
- I am going to try for a sixth year of "Running the Year". I had hemmed and hawed about striving for this again. I have really lost some of my "zest" for running (but that may be due to other emotions), so I hesitated. But, I would like to try for one more year.
- Spending more time with my wife in "play" (like swimming, just having fun, etc.)
- I am resolving to post here six days a week. Some posts may be small, but the interaction with you is very important to me, and the ability for me to have a place to lay out my harder emotions is also important for me. As part of this, I also plan to list TWO scores on a post..... a) a score about my feeling of "happiness" (perhaps I will call it my contentedness score), and b) a return of my "Pipe Craving Score" as I do admit that seeing and putting this score WAS helpful for me.
- I am aiming to enact the AA Serenity Prayer as a way to focus my life more towards feeling and experiencing joy.
- Spending less of my emotional energy budget on things I cannot control, change, or affect.
- Immersing myself more in my Roman Catholic faith, especially in immersing in the Capuchin perspectives.
- Reincorporate Arm & Chest Weight Strengthening Exercise in my life (lost at the start of Covid)
- Spending more time with my siblings.
- Continuing to enjoy the friendship of the Retiree's Cigar Group.... although there is a worry/issue with timing next semester.
- Finding time more to enjoy music.
- Find a way to successfully incorporate an occasional pipe in my life.
- Read more fiction. I spend so much time reading, but not as much is for pleasure as I would like.
P.S. Here is the full "AA Serenity Prayer" that I think has great value for me:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
These are all very worthy goals to strive for. The idea is to move forward toward them (in my opinion) and not consider oneself a failure if they are not quite reached. Progress is key. My best to your family and you--always!
Sir, to get some zest back in running, I suggest you resolve to run a half-marathon race (13.1 miles) this year. I am your age and have run 2 of them and plan on running another in August. And you are a much stronger runner than I am. My first one I finished last place. The second I finished third from last. Finishing, plus having a crowd of people cheering for you is an amazing thing. Trust me on this.
You have a lot of resolutions because you are a thoughtful and sincere guys who always strives to do your best.
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