The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Ash Wednesday - March 5th

Pat has suggested that perhaps for Lent this year, I may want to consider ending my pipe abstention DURING LENT to see how that goes. This thought/idea has been on my mind a great deal.  I am not sure though if this could be a very good.... or very bad idea for me to try. I have to also reason through if this would actually represent a "fast" of some meaningful sort.

I do not know if I trust my abilities and resolve if I were to do this and ultimately decide I should continue to refrain after Easter.  Yet, perhaps the attempt would help me to learn more about myself.

This is just a brief post, as I need to get back to Saturday electronica work for my research students.... but these thoughts have been swirling around a lot in my mind for many days with no discernable resolution.  

Hopefully, I will figure out a definitive decision prior to Ash Wednesday.



Blogger GaP said...

It's very obvious that you love your pipes and tobacco, Professor. They gave you great joy. Ever since your abstention, it reads like a large sliver of your soul has been yanked out.

Saturday, 08 February, 2025  
Blogger Margaret said...

That's an interesting suggestion by Pat. I understand your hesitation but if you gave them up once before, you can do it again, if that's what you decide. Look at your running! You are a determined person.

Saturday, 08 February, 2025  

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