The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

A Couple of Comments, But Not All YET


First a few mentions from comments:

1.  AC mentioned that he was a very "concrete thinker".  These tests In various tests of that sort I have consistently been identifed as a primairly "abstract sequential" thinker and my secondary foci is "concrete random".  I think AC is referencing an aspect of the Gregoric's Style Delineator test that has been widely used to identify learning styles.  I tried to link to this test, but if you put "Gregoric's Style Delineator" into Google, you will see a link to the free, traditional test on the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.

In the many renderings of this test I have taken (and administered) over the years.... my primary and secondary foci have stayed very much the same.  In the image above you can see practices attributed to my primary learning style (abstract sequential) and my secondary (concrete random).... both of which score very strongly. My scores have always been consistent as well, and I have VERY low scores related to concrete sequential thinking and to abstract random thinking.    

2.  AC also asked about my teaching schedule.  I do not HAVE to teach in the Summer.  I do teach in the Summer because I receive considerable bonus pay for doing so..... and because the class I teach is both fun and easy to teach.  As you know, I am a bit of a penny-pincher..... but simultaneously a worry-wort about being destitute.  I think it was because I have always been a damn good listener, and I remember very, very well all the frightening memories and stories I heard from my Mom and my Dad and other Uncles and Aunts about how very hard it was to live through the Depression. 

* * * * *
I am running out of time today to write much, so unfortunately, I have to cut it short here..... I will comment on more comments tomorrow.  

A funny end note..... I am not sure HOW I do it, but sometimes (I did it today for example).... SOMETIMES I have an ability to do a rather strange form of "multi-tasking".  Today, I was able to lecture (and yes, even in an animated fashion) while SIMULTANEOUSLY also living in my imagination, recalling beautiful bowls of pipe tobacco that I had smoked.  When I recognize I am doing this, I feel rather amazed and cannot figure it out.   But, the desire for a pipe was VERY strong today, so I reckon that had some influence on my ability to do both simultaneously.  



Blogger Margaret said...

When I took this test (for teaching) many years (decades?) ago, I was close in every category except concrete random. I don't ever process concrete info in a random way. I know this about myself; it's why in any group effort assigned a task, I tend to take charge and get everything (and everyone) organized. Is that leadership or just being bossy? LOL
P.S. Your results don't surprise me; they seem logical for a creative scientific brain.

Thursday, 23 May, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I hadn't come across that test. I think I've just used the word from my own self-analysis and awareness.

You seemed to be carrying a heavy burden recently. I was thinking that maybe you need to treat yourself to a nice break.

Friday, 24 May, 2024  

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