The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, July 22, 2024


It has been a whirlwind is a variety of ways since last Thursday:

1.  The "Retiree's Cigar Group" was Thursday.  I plan to write about it tomorrow.

2.  Friday I had several pressing deadlines in research at the U.  

3. Friday evening was spent in a lot of preparation for my MIL's Birthday Celebration we were having on Saturday.  My SIL and her husband were not able to help much due to a lot of work they were doing for getting ready for my SIL's impending dialysis. My BIL and his wife were of the usual scant help they always are. 

4.  Saturday was spent wholly in the setting up and preparing the party and having the party.  We were able to use a special event room at my MIL's Assisted Living complex, so that was nice in not stressing on Mom too much.  We invited all my MIL's siblings and their spouses and a lot of my MIL's close friends.  A lot of folks came from several hours away.  We had a group of around 25 folks or so.  It was very nice, even though some of the more distant folks were a bit taken aback by Mom's memory loss.  I was a good mule (carting things around) and a good photographer.  My wife and I went to Mass after the party.  By the time we returned home and cleaned up all the mess that we had to cart back, we were wiped out.  I ended up feeling so hot, that I filled the tub with very cool water and submerged in it for a good thirty minutes to cool my core.  It helped. 

5.  Sunday was  one of my wife's Family Reunions (there are two or three a year).  We drove a few hours to reach the spot, very, very DEEP into the country/farm region.  We brought a pea/peanut/cheese salad (I made that) and a Tortellini and Chicken Pasta Salad (my wife made that).  For a reunion, it was nice, and the weather was pleasantly cloudy also! 

While we were in the midst of the perpetual bingo games, news flashed across my phone's News Feed that President Biden decided to withdraw from the nomination.  I cringed, hoping no one else at the reunion had a news feed on their phone because it would NOT be a good thing for the crowd to get talking about politics.  A hefty percentage of the folks at the reunion are "Forever Trumpers" who are of the Trump base, and there were a lot of more traditional Democrats as well.  Political discussions at the reunion in previous years have never gone well.  Fortunately, no one mentioned the news until about 15 minutes before the end, and even more fortunate and surprising, no one said anything and no discussion ensued (either because most folks KNEW political talk would not be good at the reunion, or folks were just ready to pack up and go..... not sure which was the bigger factor).  

* * * * *

About Biden's withdrawal from the nomination and race:

1.  I completely understand Biden's choice to do so.  However, I think it was not warranted nor necessary... and I believe the news media created a "witch hunt" atmosphere around the first debate that was wholly unfair and only served the news media's interests (money and attention).

2.  I still believe Biden had the best chance of winning the election over Trump.  

3.  Kamala Harris is a GOOD replacement candidate.  I like her work and I am relieved most Democrats are supporting her.... and there is not a lot of chaos and in-fighting..... SO FAR.  

4.  I will vote for Harris (presuming she is the eventual nominee).  I think she could be a very strong president.  Unfortunately, though, I believe she will not win the election.  I think Trump will win by extremely small margins in the battleground states and that will tip the election to him.  

5.  I do hope Harris selects a governor from a swing state to be her vice presidential candidate..... Arizona's Katie Hobbs, or Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer, or Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro.  I think that could help.  

* * * * *

Late last week, my mileage running went to hell.  With all the things piling on, I ended up having difficulty motivating myself to run.  The harsh sun and heat for some of the days did not help either.  In order to complete my goal of at least 50 miles (~80 km) for the week, I ended up having to run all seven days last week.  To struggle to get to 50, I did the following late in the week:

Thursday - 5.5 miles

Friday - 5.0 miles

Saturday - 4 miles

Sunday - 2.5 miles.... to finally get to 50 (and a bit more).

* * * * *

Today, I forced myself back into a better pattern.  I pushed through 10.1 miles (~16 km). And, I got to the U gym by 7:15am and "pumped iron" to start my second week of doing some upper body weight training.  I have not done any lifting weights since before Covid.  But, I am determined to try to get back some of that tone I was able to develop.  But, mostly, I was looking forward to the machine to stretch my calf and achillies tendon.  



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Your runner's stamina must give you stamina for all else too.

Monday, 22 July, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I swear that I commented already--did it go in a spam folder? I'm glad you went to the retirees cigar group and look forward to reading about it. The dishes sound great unless you put too many peas in yours. I only like peas in things. :) I try to avoid discussing politics at any family gatherings as they can get heated VERY quickly. I too will vote for Harris, am sad about Biden (he's such a great person and an excellent president) but am hoping that Harris doesn't choose another woman for a VP. She needs someone like Andy Beshear, Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro. That would be a more balanced ticket and might bring votes from AZ and PA. Kentucky is a lost cause.

Monday, 22 July, 2024  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I was very emotional when I got the news about Biden withdrawing. I think he's been an exceptional president and I'm proud to have supported him. didn't like the way the party treated him, but things were getting to the point that their lack of support and the infighting was going to tank his chances of winning. So I think he did the right thing, and at a great personal sacrifice. History will remember him kindly.

That being said, I'm loving the excitement and sense of forward movement that seems to be reinvigorating the party! Just witness the record breaking grassroots fundraising in the 24 hours after he endorsed Harris! My pick for VP would be Mark Kelly...but sure smarter folks than me will make the best decision possible to shore up the chances of winning. Now is the time for Dems to unite and fight and work hard.

Tuesday, 23 July, 2024  

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