The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Robert Falcon Scott

I was able to go to the shop (late in the afternoon) yesterday, and very fortunately, two of my friends from the "Retirees Cigar Group" were still hanging around.  It was really nice to see them and chat.   I had also brought a book with me (a book I had checked out of the library when I was there last Saturday....."The Longest Winter: Scott's Other Heroes" which describes, with a new focus, the tragic expedition that Robert Falcon Scott and his crew ventured forth on in Antarctica in 1912.  I have always been interested in books about various explorers, and relished finding a text about him and his crew I had not yet read.  

So, for the first hour, I had the company of my two pals before they had to leave, and then I remained an quietly read my book for the remaining hour before I needed to scoot off to home.  I enjoyed a Perdomo Habano Connecticut, but in a style that was shorter in length, but with a wider gauge than I had been sampling the last couple of weeks.  It was quite a pleasant afternoon.  The cigar, though in no fashion was it like a pipe, was also enjoyable.  

I feel that if I keep persevering today, I may get caught up enough by the end of the day that things feel pretty even-keeled work-wise!!!  So, I am going to keep this post a bit on the short side to give myself as best an opportunity as I can to attain that even-keeled feeling of Nirvana!  Wish me luck!


PCS - 7.5 - Being Friday, I think that automatically reduces stress, and a reduction in stress tends to mellow out somewhat the urgencies I often feel for my pipes and pipe tobaccos.  At 7.5, I still earnestly would relish a pipe for its infinite pleasantries... but it is not at the gnawing level of frustration and aggravation at my pipeless lot in life that I feel especially when stressed. 

Contentedness Score - a hopeful "6.5" with my imagining I may reach the destination in terms of my workload before I leave.  


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

There’s a book on the Franklin Expedition that I read a few years ago. You might like it.

Friday, 07 February, 2025  
Blogger Margaret said...

That's excellent news about getting to hang out with a couple friends. I'm glad that it was relaxing!

Friday, 07 February, 2025  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

Good Luck.

Friday, 07 February, 2025  

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