The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Evolution & Religion

My mother does seem to be improving. And, very happily she seems to remember and has been heeding the doctor's orders to eat more and drink more. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will continue to improve and do well. Thoughts and/or prayers are all very greatly and kindly appreciated.

I am a man of science... my field of specialization for which I earned my doctoral degree is neurobiology/endocrinology. I have conducted significant research in this field and also teach in this field. I am a professor in a biology department at a medium sized university in a small town. I know, understand, teach and logically understand the tenets and ideas behind Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

I am also a man of faith... my religion of choice is Roman Catholicism. I ascribe to this faith because it gives me a philosophical framework that I believe is in keeping with what I believe is my purpose (if I have one) is here on this planet.... to be of service to others, to try to add joy and value to the Earth during my time here. I have faith, and can discuss the tenets and ideas behind my religion of choice and can explain why it is a very good fit for me.

In my personal beliefs, I feel that evolution is the mechanism that God utilized in His creation of our world and our universe. I have so many friends who are so incredibly polarized by these issues... the ideas of God and the ideas of Evolution. To me it is utter nonsense.... I see no disagreement between scientific ideas on evolution and on our origins as suggested by my faith. Here is why I see no problem:

Science and religion SPEAK TWO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. Until people are willing to accept this very simple statement, they will not be able to see the inherent grace and beauty in both perspectives. Think about it in this way.... say you have read "The Diary of Anne Frank" the amazing account of a young girl's life as a hidden person of Jewish faith during the evil Nazi empire. I would suggest that probably 99+% of you have read this book in English. Yet, the original diary enteries by Ms. Frank were written in Dutch. The English translation say the same ideas as the Dutch version and vice versa.... BUT NEITHER VERSION IS THE SAME! See how simple that is?

Science should be taught in science classes. Religion should be taught in religious classes. It is in the individual's mind where the tennets of each should form an individual chimeric beast we can label an individual philosophy on life.

It is so damn tiring to hear people be so hell-and-brimstone about one side or the other. Give it a rest people, relax.



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