The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"And Away We Go, or "I Went""

I was gone for a significant period of time from this blog. The reasons were primarily emotional but a bit of it was also due to work related pressures. The primary emotional pressures stemmed from:

1. The second year date of the passing of my mother. This date always gives me pause and I end up feeling contemplative and melancholy. She was such a wonderful presence in our home the last five years. Me, my wife, and my kids all felt wonderfully blessed to have her with us. And, I do so harshly still feel a hole in my soul because I do not have here here in a physical sense any longer.

2. We have experienced a miscarriage in our family at this time. We are all very sad and devastated about the loss. It is really still a bit too raw emotionally for me to talk about, but I suppose that as time progresses, I will feel more able to talk about this as well.

3. I have had SO MANY relatives and friends die in March that this month always is met with nervousness and discomfort. Just a small sampling of those whom I love who have passed away DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH during my lifetime: my mother, my father, an older cousin who lived with my family and was much like a grandfather to me, two uncles, my major professor from graduate school, and a very close family friend.

So, the above explains at least in a cursory manner what sidelined me for a spell and kept me from writing. But, please know how strongly I value all of you readers, for without your presence, I would never have made it back here. And, I believe that this writing that I do is a very healthy thing for my mind, my soul, and my spirit. I thank you for being here.



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