New Day A'Coming
I have been thinking a lot about blogging, and how I have been a bit lax of late in posting. While this week may still be a bit on the scant side, I am taking a firm stance on having as a goal a 365 post presence here in 2011. I am not sure how many folks check back here every day though, so if you do read this, please give even the briefest of comments this time so I can estimate who has left the fold and who is still here.
Left the FOLD?
I still read but usually through google reader so I won't show on most site stats.
I check in from time to time. Mostly use Reader.
I check often but don't comment if I have nothing to say, relevant to the post.I use the Blogger dashboard and check 'Followers or Following, not quite sure which.
I check in every so often.
I check everyday that I'm here. Besides, it doesn't matter how many followers you think you have, if you think your posts are important do them anyway.
I've always assumed that many of my posts will not get great notice until some time after I'm dead and then they will start getting a lot of attention being as they will be here as long as the web is.
A good share of my old posts are visited all the time, mostly it's search engines that fine them when others are looking for things.
Like tits, dicks, god, spirit, things like that.
I may get a 100 visitors a day but only two or three will comment, it's okay.
Nobody here but us chickens.
I read often and comment when I have something to say! Happy New Year, Prof.
I'm from the Netherlands and I read, I like your friday fiction contributions too!
I check in at least a couple times a month. I have especially enjoyed the photography links, but generally find your blogging an interesting read.
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
From South Africa, a retired radiologist, ex pipe smoker, I look in often.
i check in from time to time..
Looking forward to it. I'm still here but slow about catching up sometimes. Hope you're having a great holiday. All best, Susan
I've found people read mine but don't comment.
Oh well. I write anyway. Because I need to.
Here. Never say much. Taciturn...
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