The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, October 23, 2023


 I have been thinking quite a bit about shepherds..... trying to BE a shepherd for others (such as my students, my kids, etc) and also being shepherded (being a sheep.... allowing myself to be guided).  Both are important.  It is in so many ways akin to being a teacher and also being able to learn.  I have so much to do in both regards.

Unfortunately, I probably should have put some sort of emoticon or emoji on my statement last Friday where I stated:

"If I decided to become vegetarian or vegan…. it would be logical in some fashion that I COULD choose to do so and smoke my pipes and pipe tobaccos." (I should have added a 😀)

The above was meant to be a silly, tongue-in-cheek sort of statement suggesting that my beloved pipe tobaccos.... being plant based..... fit right in with a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.  So, I do apologize for the missing emoticon/emoji.  

Pam's comment helped me to realize how the above statement could be misconstrued.  She stated the following (excerpted) that I will comment briefly upon:

"Does this mean that by removing one harmful element from your diet (animal products) it could be "logical" to take the risk of adding another potentially harmful element (tobacco) to your lifestyle?" 

Unfortunately, my irony was not readily apparent in my words.  I was just putting up a silly, throw-away type comment about pipe tobacco being plant based and therefore.... healthy! 😁 

Pam also wrote:

"Another thought I have from time to time (and I hope this doesn't offend you -- it shouldn't) is that you have a classic case of addiction. Your fixation on, dreams about smoking your pipes is exactly what millions of people hear every day in AA meetings. If there are Smokers Anonymous meetings you might benefit. I know: you have no time to add another activity to your life but it could be good for your mental health."

Pam.... no.... the thought does NOT offend me in the slightest.  It is a very logical idea to consider.  And it is a question I do not really know how to answer accurately.  But, I can give you some of the thoughts I have had on the matter:

  • I was initially PRESUMING when I first laid down my pipes that I WAS VERY POSSIBLY addicted to them.  I even bought nicotine gum, lozenges and an e-device in anticipation that I might be addicted to nicotine.  I ended up consuming perhaps a 2-3 pieces of gum, 2-3 lozenges and tried the e-device a couple of times during the first few days.  They were blah and uninspiring to me, so I ended up just tossing both into a drawer after about three days.  
  • I can attest that ingesting of nicotine from my PIPES is enjoyable.  I like the gentle way the compound tickles my neurons.  And, even though I thought perhaps the nicotine from the gum, lozenge, or e-device would be fun and enjoyable for my neurons during that time of the early elimination of my beloved pipes.... it really felt unimportant, of no value, and not really something I cared all that much about. So I rather lost interest in it pretty much immediately.  The best I can figure is that while a) I am NOT OPPOSED to the gentle massaging of my neurons by nicotine, it b) does not seem to be the primary or even secondary foci of my love of pipe tobacco.  At most it may be a tertiary consideration it seems. 
  • Yet, as is obvious.... I DO so very much like, enjoy, and desire to smoke my pipes and my pipe tobaccos.  To me, for so, SO many years, there was nary even a glimmer of a thought that I would not always be a pipe smoker.  In some fashion, I think (ludicrous as it may sound) that I have been a pipe smoker BEFORE I actually started smoking pipes as a kid.  I never experienced any sort of "stumbling blocks" or a "learning curve" array of "problems" that a lot of new pipe smokers experienced when they first were trying to learn the hobby.  For a lot of folks, they would have any number of negative issues or problems when they were starting out..... things like tongue bite, gurgling issues in the pipe that would make it taste awful, nausea when smoking, etc.  For me, it felt, right, it felt appropriate, it felt like ME...  from the very first bowlful as a kid.  
  • In some mode, the pipe and pipe tobacco felt a part of me in the same way that shoes, a hat, a shirt, or a sweatshirt, or a sport coat, or any piece of clothing feels...... the clothing may not be absolutely NECESSARY, as I could theoretically run around naked and survive.... BUT wearing clothing is comfortable, is warming, is comforting, and is helpful.  In the same vein, my pipe has always been comfortable, warming, comforting and helpful.  Perhaps a stupid analogy, but it is the best I can think of at the moment. 

I will think about this some more, to see if I can try to answer better.  It is hard to describe, actually.  But, I am not sure if am AM addicted to pipe tobacco, or if it is just a facet of me.   

+ + + 

I had an errant blueberry pop out of my bowl of high fiber cereal I was eating this morning and roll down into the inner cuff and shirt sleeve of my long sleeved shirt.  I had a heck of a time getting it out.  I am just glad it did not roll between the sleeve  of my shirt and my sport coat, for I may not have felt it and it would have likely mashed and juiced between the two layers of fabric all day long.  

  •  The vaccines hit me HARD on Saturday, just as seems as predictable as snow in January.  My wife.... as usual.... had no effect from either of her vaccines.  On Saturday, my arms ached.  On Saturday, every joint in my body.... but especially my fingers, toes, wrists and ankles were achy and sore as hell.  I felt feverish, and I ended up drinking about 300 ounces of fluids across the day (~8.8 liters).  Of course, I went to the bathroom a lot too.  😄
  • We did go swimming in the later afternoon.  It was wonderful for the feverish feeling and felt nice on my joints too.  
  • We went to Mass Saturday evening and it was very soothing and spiritually uplifting.  Both my wife and I are very much gravitating towards this nearby parish community.  We are still wanting to see more if other more distant parishes where we know some of our old friends may still be a better choice.  But, this was very nice.  One of the songs from Mass, Shepherd Me, O God, has been running through my mind ever since.  Please give a listen to this accoustic guitar version of this wonderful song by Marty Haugen.  
  • I ran my 10 miles (~16km) this morning.  Lots of circles at the indoor track as it was raining and cold.... a bit of frost.  


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Emoticons can be helpful. I use them semi frequently in comments etc although I'd rather not use them in my posts. I do try to write clearly enough but I am sure it isn't always enough. 🤪

Monday, 23 October, 2023  
Blogger Margaret said...

Emoticons can really help add tone; I don't use them as much as I should to indicate that I'm being facetious. :) You are a pipe smoker, just a non-smoking one. You have wonderful memories of pipes yet for health and other reasons have chosen not to continue being an active pipe smoker. In my humble opinion. I want to get the latest Covid vaccine ASAP as we head into the holidays.

Monday, 23 October, 2023  
Blogger Pam J. said...

Boy do I feel dumb. Of course you were joking, and no you didn't need a emoticon. I am guilty of equal parts reading too fast, replying too fast, and being way too literal (which especially happens when I do the other two).
Now I'll go back to reading what looks like an interesting and less personally cringeworthy post from you today.

Monday, 23 October, 2023  
Blogger PipeTobacco said...

Please do not feel chagrined at all! It is easy to not get the full flavor of the intent of writing unless it is carefully crafted, like in a novel or a journal article. My “off the cuff” rapid writing here is just a chaotic splattering of thoughts….. and I do not always succeed in what I INTEND to say.

Monday, 23 October, 2023  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Sorry your vaccines hit you so hard. I'm like your wife with no real problems except sore arms.
I love the idea of an errant blueberry.

Tuesday, 24 October, 2023  

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