The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023



I happened to recall TWO rather dichotomous dreams from last night.  I believe our dog facilitated in these remembrances.  Her facilitation was brought about by her behavior in the middle of the night.  Usually she stays fast asleep on the bed with my wife and me.  But, occasionally she will get up in the middle of the night and jump off the bed.  This may be because she becomes a bit disgruntled perhaps at being jostled around a bit (by me, most likely as I move around a fair amount while sleeping, my wife stays virtually stationary).  When our dog jumps off the bed, she typically will lay in her dog bed.  But, last night, she jumped off the bed (~2:45am) and began to drink from the glass of water I have on the floor by my side of the bed.  I always have a large glass of water on the floor by the bed because I can get rather thirsty in the night.  I keep it on the floor, so that moisture from the glass does not mar the finish of my nightstand/table by my side of the bed.  

Well, our dog ended up drinking from my glass with apparent gusto and the glass toppled over, making considerable noise (and waking us) and having water flow across the floor.... which she continued to drink.

When awoken by that sharp noise, I awoke from a dream where I was sitting atop of a hill in some park or other, and I was playing a variety of songs on my bass clarinet.  It was rather peaceful and serene (I was NOT playing "Excerpts from Polar Express" (hah!)).  It was warm and sunny atop of the hill and I could see out, far and wide all around me.  

After being awoken, I shuffled to the bathroom, and retrieved a towel to absorb the spill from our dog, and then ambled back to the bathroom to relieve my distended bladder.  I then hunkered down back in bed to sleep some more.  

In my second dream, it was a very pleasant, cooler Summer morning.  I was again outside somewhere, but I am not sure where as it was densely foggy and visually I could not see to any great depth because the fog was so thick.  I was reclining in an outdoor chair, smoking my large bowled, walnut-colored full bent Peterson pipe.  I was smoking a robust burley leaf with a hint of vanilla.  Nothing else was happening, it was just me and my pipe relaxing on the pleasant, foggy morning.  

The infernal clanging of my alarm awoke me from this dream, and I rousted myself out of bed.  I dressed in my exercise clothes, and headed to the indoor track to hoof out my 10 miles (~16km) before coming home to clean up and head the U.  


(P.S. Not sure if anyone caught my pictorial/title "pun"?)


Blogger Margaret said...

Di and cot? :) The dog knocking over the water would be a rude awakening. Do you have coasters for water glasses? That way the glass could be closer to you and out of the dog's way.

Wednesday, 15 November, 2023  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Dogs indeed.

Wednesday, 15 November, 2023  
Blogger PipeTobacco said...

I have a strong penchant for ICED beverages, so I bring iced water…. and that exacerbates the “perspiration” on the glass so it exceeds the carrying capacity of coasters we do have…. and the overflow of “perspiration” from the glass still would get onto the tabletop. I learned that the hard way. :)

And, I am also NOW thinking the “dogged” determination exhibited by our pup would likely ALSO have her trying to reach up onto the nightstand as well…… putting various books in peril of a cascade of water as well. :)

I may regrettably have to place my water glass on the bathroom counter at night for a few weeks until she “forgets” that I typically leave it on the floor.


Wednesday, 15 November, 2023  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

Hubby and I move quite a little.

Wednesday, 15 November, 2023  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I suppose the dog spilling your water was a one-off as they say. But we tend to keep those cool containers with lids by the bed. you must carry one on your morning runs.

Thursday, 16 November, 2023  
Blogger Unknown said...

Professor, I'm finding more and more that visiting your blog makes me sad. We both know that you'll be much happier when you return to your pipes. Watching you extend the torture to which you are subjecting yourself is painful at times. You know that if your choice was between never enjoying a beautiful, nourishing, flavorful pipe again, or going back to daily enjoyment, you would prefer to indulge daily instead of never. So, the logical course of action seems to be to start with some longer interval that you find responsible, then ease back gradually to whatever interval works best for you, whether it's annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even daily.

You are a pipe smoker, Professor. It's true to the deepest part of you. Would you choose to spend your days wearing a blindfold and keeping one leg in a cast simply to avoid some imagined problem? Of course not! I dearly hope that you will soon stop hobbling your soul as you have been doing, and find a way to ease back into your whole identity.

Thursday, 16 November, 2023  

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