The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Anxiety & Trying to Combat It

Yesterday's brief post said a lot of things without saying much.  Right now, it pains me to feel like I do not want to be at home.  With who knows what the hell may suddenly happen, it feels more comfortable here at the U.  

But, that is not a way to live.  But, I feel stuck.  My wife feels similarly, perhaps not as acutely as me, but we both feel that way.  If our work schedules would permit it, I would like to go away with my wife where we can just enjoy each other and our surroundings.  

But there is not a helluva lot that can be done about things at the moment.  I simply need to persevere, and try to find work-arounds. 

We shall see.



Blogger Pat M. said...

Professor, if both you and your wife feel pained at being in your own home, the solution isn't for the two of you to go away from that home. It's to remove from your home the source of that discomfort, whether the source is an attitude, an object, or a person. To "work around" your discomfort is simply to avoid it and let it fester and grow worse. Resolving discomfort may itself be discomforting, but it's the only way to move forward.

Wednesday, 12 June, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Things seemed to have been clearing up for you, and now this. I have no advice because I have little info, and even if I had more, I would probably still have no good advice. But I can 'listen' and commiserate.

Wednesday, 12 June, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

When my younger daughter is living with me, we don't get along and make a lot of stress for each other. I can be demanding and she is uncooperative and sometimes (often?) makes poor choices. So, I can sympathize with the stress of having that type of person under your roof.

Thursday, 13 June, 2024  

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