The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, June 13, 2024



Even though I am often slow on the uptake, and I have difficulty at times remembering what I damn well know to be true.... given enough time for my feeble neurons to fire-up properly.... I can usually figure things out.  

With the circumstances that have been dealt regarding that which I do not talk about, work-arounds are the only viable option.  So, work-arounds are what I strive to do.  This time it only took me until last night to find one of the needed work-arounds.

When I was in pseudo-Chicago (the far hinterland aspects of Chicago), because of the timing of travels, I needed to attend Mass in pseudo-Chicago.  But, this turned out to be fortuitous for two reasons:

1.  I was able to arrive to the parish with enough time to receive the sacrament of Confession prior to Mass.

2.  I arrived also with enough time to see AND briefly VISIT the parish's small gift shop ahead of Mass.  

In the gift shop, I found a small book entitled "Daily Companion for Men".  I had not seen this book before, and was intrigued by its simplicity and organization.  I bought it, along with the "Daily Companion for Women" for my wife.  

During all the hustle and bustle of the remaining time in pseudo-Chicago, and the travel involved getting back home, and the drama that ensued shortly upon my return, I forgot about these two little books.... until last night.  

The book has a brief paragraph for each day of the year to read that focuses on ways to try to look more outward at what you (I) can do to be of help, be of service.... which is what life is meant for.  The Catholic-focused thoughts and ideas were very helpful.  After reading the small passage for yesterday, I felt more centered, less despondent, and more remembering of what I should do and strive to be each day.   

While I cannot change things in/for others that they do not themselves choose to change..... I can change how I respond to them.  I have to keep that in mind.   

* * * * * 

Running has been HARD since my return because my motivation has been low, and I have wanted to mostly just sleep.  BUT, I have forced myself to hoof out every damn mile I need to stay on track.  Same has been true for work.  I have had little motivation for work since my return, because I wanted to mostly just sleep.  BUT, I have forced myself to DO all the teaching and research that I need.... and tried to infuse my more typical "gusto" enthusiasm while teaching even though my heart was not into it.  

Even though I am deeply disappointed that I did not get to Iwan Ries, and I SO very much WANT to have a pipe.  My memories of late have been focused on reliving the more recent experience with having the cigar and glass of beer (IPA).  Perhaps because it was relatively recent, it is a pleasant memory that is easy to conger back up in my mind.  

So, I will work to keep rolling along as best as I can.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

You are certainly devoted. It still surprises me sometimes although I know it to be the case.

Thursday, 13 June, 2024  
Blogger Pam J. said...

I’m in no way a Christian but I do agree with this:

“…do what you (I) can do to be of help, be of service.... which is what life is meant for.”

I think I learned it from Buddhism and AA.

Thursday, 13 June, 2024  

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