The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Last Thursday, I was able to get the opportunity to spend time at the "Retiree's Cigar Group" at the Cigar Shoppe a ways away that I have been talking about for many weeks.  I have to admit that I was nervous.  I had a lot of "hopes" and "expectations" for the experience.  And, I had even more "worries" and "concerns" about my not being able to fit in.  And, I had worries that it would not be as I had hoped.  

So, what was I hoping and expecting?

  • I was hoping to find a group of fellows who would feel like friends.  
  • I was hoping that there wouldn't be folks with attitudes.
  • I was hoping it would not be filled with folks who were "schmoozy" business/salespeople types.
  • I was hoping to fit in and be accepted with the group.
  • I was hoping to find a place where I could, in a measured, controllable way, occasionally indulge in pipe tobacco (of course, first and for a while it will be a cigar, hopefully eventually a pipe) without being inclined to actually "falling off the wagon". 

What was I worrying about?

  • I was worried I would not fit in.  
  • I was worried that I would stick out "like a sore thumb".
  • I was worried that the group would be "click-y" and not want any new folks in it.
  • I was worried that I would be "grilled" about my life, my (lack of) knowledge on cigars.
  • I was worried I might not know/follow some sort of unwritten etiquette of the place or the group. 
  • I was worried I would be ignored/invisible.
  • I was worried I would make "mistakes" and be perceived as an idiot. 
  • I was worried that I might talk too much or too stupidly, but I also worried that I would be "too quiet" as I tend to not talk much in social groups. 
So, you can see a whole helluva lot of things were swirling in my mind..... simultaneously.  I do not know why my brain is wired like this, but it is my reality.  It is both annoying and exhausting a lot of the time.  It may be some of the reason why I really like routines and consistency.  When I attempt new things, I inevitably end up experiencing the above sorts of thoughts.  

* * * * *

So.... I drive there, and park on the far side of the building so that my vehicle cannot be seen, and I get out and walk around the building down the sidewalk to the side entrance.  The building itself is an older building in the older part of downtown of this city, and the building was a typical type of three story dark brick and mortar building with large windows that were pretty common and standard in towns across the country and were built in the 1890s - late 1920s (ahead of the start of the Depression). The first floors of these buildings were usually shop fronts of one kind or another.  The cigar shop's building was at the end of a row of these buildings so not only did it have a large storefront window facing the main street, but a similar sized storefront window facing the side street as well.  

I walk inside.... feeling edgy and jumpy, but I try to act "cool" and nonchalant.  A young girl (probably mid-late 20s) is working behind the counter.  I believe the shop was far enough away (in the next town) that I doubted she was a student at the U, fortunately.  I went into the humidor and looked around until I spied the Arturo Fuente cigars.  I glanced through the several boxes, and saw an Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature cigar.  It was not the same as I had on the trip with my wife, but it was quite similar, so it seemed a safe bet.  

I brought out the cigar and went up to the counter.  The young girl was cheery and was playing with a small dachshund who I believe was the shop owner's dog and appears to be a sort of "mascot" in the store.  The girl asked me:

"You taking it with you, or are you going to smoke it in the lounge?"

I said "The lounge." and paid.  Happily, I noticed a few cigar cutters on the counter and a few butane cigar lighters, and asked, "I presume it is ok if I grab a cutter and a lighter for in the lounge?" Each cutter and lighter had a small chain and tag on it, identifying it as a "store" cigar cutter or "store" lighter.  

"Sure, that's what they're there for." she said with a chipper voice.  

After paying and putting a tip in the tip jar, I picked up my cigar, a cutter and a lighter and went slowly walking towards the bigger lounge area where I could see about 8-10 "old guys" sitting and talking and smoking their cigars.  I tried to quickly gauge the room and the scene.

This portion of the lounge had perhaps a dozen or so overstuffed, leather chairs  plus a few wooden chairs..... with small side tables and ashtrays scattered about.  The chairs and side tables were arranged in a circle.  A large coffee table was in the center of the space.  It too had a few ashtrays, but also had an array of cigar related books and magazines scattered about on its surface  I even noticed one book about pipes..... and I considered that a good sign.  

Luckily, there was one empty leather chair in the circle that had an empty chair on either side as well.  I walked towards the one in the middle so as to not too close and potentially bothersome to anyone.  I sat down (sank down) into the leather chair.  I looked around the group as they were talking.  I noticed my friend from Mass,  two fellows down the row. He noticed me and gave me a quick nod of recognition, but didn't say anything.

That is about all I can write today. I need to get working. More tomorrow.  

Oh, I did run another 10.2 miles this morning (~16.5 km). 



Blogger Margaret said...

I am on the edge of my seat! I'm glad your friend from Mass was there though. I overthink everything as well.

Tuesday, 23 July, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Another installment to come.

Tuesday, 23 July, 2024  

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