The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, December 29, 2003

It is now Monday and life seems dull and uninspired. The only solace I receive is from my tobacco and pipe and even that comfort is fleeting at best. At least the warmth of the bowl of the pipe as I hold it in my hands gives me the sense of being present in the world. The strong, rich pipe smoke tickles my neurons and gives them a bit of merriment as well.

Why is life so meloncholy? It is hard to say. It is mostly the disconnect between your hopes and dreams for a given day and the reality of that same said day. Today has been horrid and the prospects are good that tommorrow will likewise be so. I shall attempt to awaken with a fresh mood and an energetic spirit in the morning, but the fates may be against me. Let us hope they are not.

Tommorrow I plan to go exercise in the morning. After exercising, I plan to spend a few hours at work, where I hope to accomplish good things. After that, my day *should* be free for reading, relaxing, going shopping, sight seeing, the library, or museums etc.

Tommorrow I *expect* to have people I love continue to be cranky at me, and I *expect* people to not feel well, and I *expect* that things that I do will be misconstrued.

What I wish for tommorrow, and what I expect for tommorrow are virtual mirror images of what I wished for today and what I received today. That is life.

I shall leave now to travel home. On the route home, I will indulge in my pipe, the comrade that rarely is not pleasant. The pipe, right now, seems nearly my only friend.

Pipe Tobacco


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