Who I Write Like
I decided to take one of those computer generated tests... on my fiction efforts and on my normal blog writings. Here is who the computer says my fiction work is similar to:
For my normal everyday blog writing, I write more akin to:
Very interesting indeed. I would gladly and appreciatively read any comments you may have about the above two writers and my own writing style. I am going to go see if my father-in-law needs some help especially with my mother-in-law still in the hospital, today after I get done with my last minute preperations for the reserach presentation. Hopefully I will be out of here before noon.
Thank you very much for the idea of submitting more than one piece of writing. I entered posts from two different blogs of mine and several pieces of fiction. Dan Brown came up on both blogs, but my Muse of Fiction seems to have multiple personalities.
I enjoy your style. It is your own and, to me, restful.
Your style reminds me of the diary of John Adams, i.e., today I sat at this specific spot and made this particular decision. (I would only compare your style to Dickens if I could visualize the pattern on your drawing room curtains.)
I've never read Nabokov, but I will now. Thank you.
I do amend that last statement. Lolita. Oh boy.
I decided to take one of those computer generated tests..
I write how I want to write, those that don't like it can go to hell and I have no need to be compared to anyone.
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