The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Covington Catholic Student

If you have been following the news this past weekend, there was an incident that occurred at the Lincoln Memorial that has been videotaped and has gone viral about an encounter of three groups:

1.  A group of high school boys from Covington Catholic School in Kentucky who were there to attend March for Life rallies.

2.  A group of Black Hebrew Israelites apparently attending activities of the Indigenous Peoples March.

3.  A group of Native American gentlemen who were there to participate in the Indigenous Peoples March.

Unfortunately for all concern, the situation grew very heated and quite tense.  From video posted, several things are currently known:

1.  The boys from Covington HS were a pretty large group (perhaps around 100 at the time).  Many of them were wearing MAGA clothing (especially present were the "Make America Great Again" hats).  Some of these boys were shouting "Build the wall!" at the members of the other two groups.  And, one boy in particular (self identified as Nick Sandmann) appears to be getting into the face (being too close) of a Native American gentleman and smirking.  However, this HS student has written an e-mail that suggests otherwise.  

2.  The Black Hebrew Israelites have been heard on these videos rather nasty slurs and comments about both the Covington HS students and the Native American protesters.

3.  The Native American gentleman and a few other Native Americans are seen in the videos playing a drum and singing some sort of Native American song.  It is reported that some other videos are in circulation that show the Native Americans moving in between the Covington HS students and the Black Hebrew Israelites.  Whether this was to *try* to dissipate tensions, or to be agressive seems to be up for debate as of this writing.

*  *  *  *  *

I sincerely do not know how all of this will pan out in the end.  It is still in quite a bit of flux at the moment.  I can express my opinions currently, however:

A.  My impression is that the HS kid (Sandmann) *was* being "in-your-face" purposefully, and that his facial expressions *to me* felt like a rude, impolite, denigrating series of smirks. I cannot say with certaintity that was his intent... but it sure as hell looked to me that he was acting like a rich kid who thinks he is better than everyone and feels he has the right to belittle and denigrate others.  

B.  My impression of the Black Hebrew Israelites is that it seems from all accounts that I have seen and read that they were there to try to agitate others, and that they were trying to agitate virtually everyone other than themselves.  To what end, however, I have no idea.

C.  The Native American group, in most of the video content and stories I read, seems to have been there to truly celebrate the Indigenous Peoples Day.  From my understanding this was the first such event held in DC for Indigenous Peoples Day.  My opinion leans at the moment that the Native American group that went between the  Covington HS Students and the Black Hebrew Israelites *was* trying to diffuse a tense situation.... even though that proved unsuccessful.   

*  *  *  *  *

Some things I would like to point out:

1.  It also is highly discouraging to me that all of these things transpired also during the MLK weekend preceding the governmental celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.   I am of the opinion that neither the Covington HS students nor the Black Hebrew Israelites respected in any way, shape or form the memory of Martin Luther King Jr. with any of their actions that have been shown.  It was appalling.

2.  The Covington HS students were there supposedly to support "March for Life".  I think March for Life is a worthwhile pursuit.  I find it annoying, rude, obnoxious, and idiotic that these high school kids really made a mockery of the "March for Life" protest too by their actions.  I mean... come on.... the kids themselves.... and at least the supposed chaperones that they had on this trip should DAMN WELL KNOW BETTER than to have anyone wear MAGA hats.  That is just political b*llsh*t and sullies the intent of "March for Life".  

3.  As further information unfolds, there are potentially some important details we have not yet heard.  There is a potential that with additional information some things may be clearer or opinions may need to be revised a bit.  But, right now, I am frustrated and annoyed.  

4.  But, as a practicing Catholic myself, I find it shameful a) the wearing of stupid MAGA politically charged hats at this sort while participating in March for Life, b)  I think the Covington High School governance needs to look very carefully at what sort of elitist, obnoxious, uncaring attitudes they appear to be breeding in their students.   The actions and the manners shown by that huge group of kids from Covington was appalling and DOES NOT represent true Catholic faith or teaching. 

5.  It hurts me that many folks equate the Catholic Church with the cases of pedophila and now with this appearance of bigotry and obnoxiousness.  None of that is my experience with my faith.  No faith is perfect and there are a lot of nasty, criminal folks in all faith organizations and in non-faith organizations (including politics). 

It is just frustrating as hell.  Truth be told, although I have taught myself to not act out in anger, I can tell you with certainty that what I want to do at the moment is to have a bowl of dark burley leaf in one of my pipes.  But, I have learned both with food and with pipe tobacco to be able to tell myself NO! when I am sorely tempted by either as a way to cope with anger or frustration.  



Blogger Jane said...

thank you for saying almost everything i wanted to say in my blog post about this exact situation but either couldn't find the words or was too impatient to take the time to say it......i ended up posting about it on a more personal level then ended up taking my post down..

Tuesday, 22 January, 2019  
Blogger billy pilgrim said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Tuesday, 22 January, 2019  
Blogger billy pilgrim said...

i don't think it was that big of a deal, opposing political views that didn't result in any violence. the media correctly realized that it would rile up their viewers and get good ratings.

the natives were very media savvy, the black hebrew israelites were incendiary crazies and the young guys in red hats were young, stupid and eager to engage.

it was the natives who were smart enough to record the event and edit the finished product to paint themselves in the best possible light.

Tuesday, 22 January, 2019  
Blogger jenny_o said...

I appreciate your methodical discussion of the issue and agree with your conclusions so far. It might be easier to assess the situation if a person was actually present. These days even video can be altered, as we saw with the Jim Acosta/ WH briefing tape.

Stay strong against the temptations :)

Tuesday, 22 January, 2019  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I guess the media are still assessing the situation, but from what I have seen, it was ugly. Whatever else is the case, how can a school send kids to a rally wearing MAGA hats, which are political to begin with?

Wednesday, 23 January, 2019  
Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

there would be no story if those little fuckers were not wearing the hats

Wednesday, 23 January, 2019  
Blogger Forsythia said...

You put into words what I was thinking. I saw the young man's expression as a smirk, but then, I don't really know.

Thursday, 24 January, 2019  

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