The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Decent vs Descent

The letter "s" is all that differentiates visually the words "decent" and "descent" but that one little "s" packs a helluva punch as far as the meaning of the words if used to describe mood and feelings.

I am glad to report that I am currently in the midst of a "decent" period.  I attribute this to a few things:

1.  I  believe the major reason I feel much more like my ordinary self is due to the changes that I have had in regards to work.  The two folks who I find annoying and hurtful are still not my "best buds" by any means.... but, I was finally able to reach an EQUITABLE and FAIR "resolution" of sorts with them, so that I no longer feel frightened, upset, angry, and hurt and worried about these two.  Do I trust them or their judgement?  HELL NO!!!  But, am I now feeling safe from their b*llsh*t?  Yes.  I believe my "safety net" is strong and real and will protect me and my feelings and my emotions, and my efforts in work.

2.  The very significant relief of that unrelenting stress mentioned in #1 has allowed me to venture back into several aspects of my life that had felt "lost" to me because I rarely if ever did them any longer.  I play more music now, I have worked more extensively and WILLINGLY on house projects, I have been cleaning and doing some organizing of areas I wanted to make better for a long time (garage, basement). I have been getting some repair issues done in a bathroom upstairs, as well as other projects. 

3.  I feel much more relaxed in general. 



Blogger Pat M. said...

And then there's the one "e" difference between burley and burly.

Tuesday, 30 April, 2019  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Completing all of those little projects is likely very beneficial to your state of mind.

Wednesday, 01 May, 2019  
Blogger GaP said...

There's an old saying...."Don't shit where you eat." I've dealt with crappy co-workers before...and while it would be satisfying to pop off a zinger that would enrage them....I still had to work with them. So a quiet distance is maintained. We don't have to be best buds...That very thing happened on my last trip....

Wednesday, 01 May, 2019  
Blogger Forsythia said...

Ah, equilibrium at last. ENJOY!

Wednesday, 01 May, 2019  
Blogger PipeTobacco said...


Yes, both words are strong and valuable.... but you can imagine I prefer "burley" as a concept. :)


Yes, the doing of tasks is for the most part relaxing and helps me feel productive.


Yes. It is good to have figured out a way to co-exist.


Very, very true! Equilibrium is beautiful! The philosophical "otolithic" alternative is not something I enjoyed at all.

Thursday, 02 May, 2019  

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