The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, February 10, 2022



[I did get my shopping done last night, finished wrapping the gifts, signed the cards, and got the whole caboodle hidden plus all the mess thrown out or put away... with perhaps 15 minutes to spare before my wife returned from her CEU efforts.]

In my bowl of fruit that I ate in my office for breakfast this morning, my wife kindly added a few raisins.  I have always loved virtually all dried fruits (especially raisins, dates, figs, prunes) and have never looked askance at any type.  The main body of my fruit, though, was fresh and was a mixture of blueberries, pineapple, apple chunks, and a few raspberries and a few slices of tangerine.  I have also separately eaten a banana as well this  morning as I drink my coffee.  

I ran 11.8 miles (~18 km) this morning, per usual, then I quickly took out the dog, and dressed for work.  I watched a Capuchin Mass while I ran, which is always helpful for me.  I kept trying to figure out ways I could become the better person I wish I could be, and how to be able to form that focus, that fidelity towards living a life of service like the Capuchins do.  

While heading to the U, I made an appointment with our veterinarian to have our dog get an update in her vaccinations.  Since Covid-19 hit, the veterinarian visits are considerably more difficult to obtain.  Prior to Covid-19, I could call and within a few days, I would be able to bring in our dog.  Since Covid-19, it has typically taken weeks after a call to get an appointment.  When I called today, the FIRST available date to bring in my dog would be February 28th.  It is a bit stressful having to try to think that far out in terms of times and schedules.

Sadly, the microphone I purchased for talking in the giant lecture hall seems to be having some troubles.  It will sometimes work and sometimes not.  I have checked and replaced the batteries, I have looked for a loose or damaged wire, and I have tested it in other ways.  So... half way through lecture, I had to give up using it and had to basically holler as loud as I could through my double mask to be heard.  It was exhausting. I was talking about the different cells composing the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.  I do not think I did the topic the justice it was due, because it was so exhausting to have to holler the whole damn time, that I think I abbreviated some of what I said and spoke less.   I am calling Amazon as soon as possible this afternoon... I actually BOUGHT an extended warranty on the beast..... so it had better be helpful in getting me a new one.

Now.... in reality.... I NEVER..... EVER.... have purchased an extended warranty on ANY PRODUCT... other than this microphone system.  In my opinion, by-and-large.... extended warranties are simply scams.  My wife and I always get into a "discussion" about the value of buying an extended warranty.  She almost always WANTS to buy one, because she is easily snookered by salespeople into getting one.  But, as long as I am part of the shopping process, I hold steadfast in my refusal. 

The microphone I ordered an extended warranty for was different in regards to my anti-extended warranty stance in three ways:

1.  The extended warranty was CHEAP.  It was roughly 10% of the purchase price.... whereas a lot of extended warranties cost 1/3 or even 1/2 of the purchase price.  

2.  The extended warranty was also long lasting and supposedly "guarantees" a replacement for THREE YEARS.  We shall see.

3.  Amazon was the company that offered the warranty.... not the microphone manufacturer.  In terms of the dealings with electronics I have had with Amazon... Amazon has been very kind, very helpful, and has felt trustworthy.  

Finally, I also bought the extended warranty because I have heard from a lot of folks over the years, and have also learned through experience in helping various priests at Mass hook up their microphones ahead of Mass after they get on their vestments.... that these damnable microphones are fragile, finicky, and PRONE to failure. 

* * * * * 

Since I am still unable to recall any of my dreams (a sad and ongoing problem for probably at least two months now, if not three) I was allowing myself to daydream as I drove to the U this morning.  I was imagining walking around town (no real place in particular.... but the location was.... in my imagination, rather "Art Deco" and was "Florida-esque" or "Havana-esque") in sandals, shorts, and a brightly colored, vividly maroon shirt festooned with parrots.  I was also sporting my lighter grey, medium brimmed fedora as well.  As I walked around, I would stop and chat with folks, and I was smoking my pipe.  I was imagining smoking a "mixtured" bowl where the bottom half of the bowl being filled with unadorned burley, and the top half filled with Balkan Sobranie for spicier richness.  In my dream, I also was imagining stumbling upon the downtown, city library, with a building adjacent to it being a refreshment shop.  In my mind's eye, I was seeing myself checking a novel out of the library, purchasing a large, matcha infused iced, bubble tea with bobas, and siting at one of the outdoor tables surrounding the library, reading, drinking my bubble tea and smoking my pipe.  

I guess in my daydream, because it was morning.... I imagined a morning sort of fun and relaxing pursuit. I also am purposefully taking an almost "meditative" stance at bedtime.  After getting into bed (and after kissing (or additional activities) my wife goodnight), and after reading a novel for a bit, I will read at least a page or two from a book about saints I have been reading.  Then I will turn off my reading light, turn on my side, get my bite sock positioned, and then imagine myself slowly and deeply smoking one of my pipes and pipe tobaccos.  I started this action shortly after I stopped recalling my dreams, as  way I thought I could get my dreams to be able to be remembered again. I had been missing those dreams so much, especially how sometimes I actually felt physically like I had just smoked my pipe... it stimulated memories of the relaxing feelings, the flavors, the the contentment.  

My meditative actions have not caused my dreams to be remembered.  But, they have been helpful as I feel I relax more fully, and sleep more soundly.  



Blogger Unknown said...

Not that I'm trying to tempt you, Professor, but in light of your "Raisin" post I thought I would share:

Rum Raisin Pipe Tobacco

Thursday, 10 February, 2022  
Blogger PipeTobacco said...

I actually HAVE a pouch of that in my stash!!! It is very, very delightful (from my last recollection of indulging in it).


Thursday, 10 February, 2022  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

I usual put some type of nuts in my lunch. But I do like all fruit, can't think of one I don't like.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

Thursday, 10 February, 2022  
Blogger Margaret said...

I too have had good luck with Amazon returns and replacements so good luck with the microphone! It sounds exhausting and distracting to have to shout like that. I used to like raisins more than I do now (too seedy?); I still like dates and figs. Your pre-bedtime ritual sounds relaxing even if it doesn't help you remember your dreams. I rarely recall the details of mine but can strongly feel the emotions they engender, even hours later.

Thursday, 10 February, 2022  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I like raisin bread toasted, but nobody in the family can digest that little fact, so to speak.
Like you, i am wary of extended warranties, but I have had them work for me on a few occasions, such as with computerized boards for worth the cr and the AC (or was it the furnace?) where the replacements would have been very expensive.

Friday, 11 February, 2022  

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