The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Last Friday

 It has been a whirlwind of a time the last several days. 

My MIL seems perfectly fine.  We are all relieved.  My wife had a work related trip that required an overnight stay last Friday, and I was able to arrange my day so that I could go with her.  It ended up being at the same city I spoke of last year that we visited where there was a cigar lounge.... but when I visited it, I did not participate because the lounge was a room filled with video screens and computers and the few folks there were "gaming" or some other such computer nonsense thing.  

However, as I was walking about this town and strolled past the cigar lounge again, it looked different.  So, I moseyed inside.  It was still pathetic in terms of pipes and pipe tobaccos.  BUT, during the last year, they expanded by having the gizmo-computer-gaming part ISOLATED from the bar.  This gave the bar a much more normal "bar" feel and look.  And, they also added in a fenced in, comfortably large patio area outside in the back!  

From last year, you may recall that the lounge (and patio) only allow smoking of cigars (I do not understand the logic, but it is their rule).  So, since I had a few hours until I could meet again with my wife, I decided to give it all a try.  

I walked into their very large humidor which was probably 30 feet (~10m) by 40 feet (~12m) inside and held hundreds of different types of cigars.  I do not really know much about cigars, so I was roaming around rather aimlessly, but I happened to spy one called:

Arturo Fuente Hemingway

Even though from what I saw in the humidor, it was a "low-moderate" priced cigar, to me it was pretty damn expensive..... it was $11.00.  They had some in the humidor that I saw were priced at $80 for a single cigar.  

But, I said, "What the hell?" and ended up purchasing the Arturo Fuente Hemingway.  I then asked the barkeep to please bring me a draft of one of the brands of IPA they had called "Two Hearted".  

So, I went out to the patio and sat at a nice table in the shade with the cigar and my beer, and the book I had brought as well.  At the early-mid afternoon time, the patio was not busy nor crowded, as there were only three other fellows out there.  I presumed it would get busier after the normal end of the work day.  

So, I indulged in the cigar.  And, while it sure as hell was NOT a pipe, and it was NOT in any fashion as transcendent as a good pipe can be... it was quite pleasant! I was surprised.  And, it was by far the most flavorful cigar I have had ever in my life.  It was quite a nice way to spend part of the afternoon.  And, the Two Hearted IPA was wonderful (I have had that brand of IPA before.... beautifully strong in hops flavor!).  

And, now... if (when, hopefully) I am able to visit the close to home cigar bar where the "retirees" meet on Thursdays..... hopefully perhaps sometime in July..... I will be more at ease and will more readily feel like I fit in....  with having this sort of adventure as a "practice run".  

After the fun afternoon, my wife picked me up along the side of the road nearby, and we went to the hotel to change and then we went out to eat at a really pleasant and nice restaurant.  We shared a small pizza that had an array of roasted vegetables and interestingly also had cherry marinated pulled pork on it as well.  We chose it because it seemed odd, interesting, and different.  We also each had a sauteed potato taco.  Again, we chose it because it was odd and different.  It too was really good.... the filling was a mixture of pleasantly sauteed potato chunks with an array of Latin-typical spices and a variety of fresh herbs, shredded sauteed cabbage, and other vegetables.... and an avocado aioli sauce and fresh limes to squeeze over them served on a soft corn tortilla.  And, we also shared a bowl of tomato-chickpea soup that was beautifully spicy (my wife thought it a bit too intense for her) and robust.  My wife had Diet Coke to drink (she does not like to drink alcohol), and because this restaurant is renowned for its array of hard ciders, I first had a pear cider, and then followed it with a blueberry-apple cider.  Both were tasty, but... since I had the blueberry-apple last year, and knew it was a real winner.... I had that one second.   

After that relaxing day and a very fun evening and overnight time, my wife left at daybreak to complete the early morning work she also needed to do, and while she was away I ran 5 miles (~8 km) through town and through one of their parks.  A pleasant, scenic run.  

We then started to drive back home around 10am.   

Once we arrived back home from this fun adventure, we both had to dive back in to various work and home tasks and it has been busy as hell since then.  Nothing bad (fortunately).... just VERY, VERY BUSY.  I have had to do an especially large array of things for my teaching as well...  to permit me to go away late Thursday for this conference I told you about.  

It was approved for me to be able to go as a substitute for the other fellow....  and the U is paying for it.  But, there has been a pipe-related snag, unfortunately.  I found out, the conference, to my utter dismay, is NOT actually IN Chicago..... but is instead at some place way, WAY on the outskirts of the distant suburbs of Chicago.  Thus far, I have determined there is NO connection from this hinterland to the "L" (train/subway of Chicago).  And, the best I can figure is that a Taxi or an infernal Uber would charge upwards of $90 dollars to drive me to Chicago city.  So that too is "out".  I am going to try to figure out other options.  But, at this point, I am not sure if I am going to get to visit the illustrious oasis known as Iwan Ries.  And, if I do NOT get to go there, it will make me rather sad, as that was a MAJOR reason I agreed to substitute for the original co-presenter who had to bail.  If I cannot figure a way to get to Iwan Ries, and then still end up doing all this rigamarole, I will be SIGNIFICANTLY disappointed. 

* * * * * 

  • Hit my 50 mile goal for last week with that 5 mile, Saturday morning run.
  • Monday I ran a brisk 14.2 miles (~23 km) and it felt quite wonderful.  It was heavily cloudy and I started hoofing around 5:15am.  Probably my very favorite running conditions. It was about 60 degrees out.  
  • Tuesday, before my 8:00am class, I was able to hoof out only 8 miles (~13 km) due to lack of time.
  • Today, I had more flexible time again and I stomped out a more normal 10.3 miles (~16.5 km).   



Blogger Pat M. said...

Professor, can you stay over in Chicago for one extra night, perhaps staying for the final night at a hotel closer to the airport and/or Iwan Ries?

Failing that, maybe you could bring a couple of pipes and a couple of pouches of pipe tobacco with you to Chicago, where you could still take advantage of the "distance" exception even if you are just by yourself and not at Iwan Ries? One way or another, I hope something works out for you!

Wednesday, 05 June, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

Pat has excellent ideas! I have heard of Two Hearted but as you know I'm an amber ale person, not a fan of IPAs. What a lovely and relaxing time outside with the cigar, drink and book! I've seen the original "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" at LACMA when my older daughter lived in LA. We mainly went there because it was brutally hot that day and we wanted some a/c. :)

Wednesday, 05 June, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

The cigar outing was good for you, but the other is a disappointment. Maybe it will be a great conference though.

Wednesday, 05 June, 2024  

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