The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

MORE Stretching

I cannot recall if I mentioned this before, but because of the "doctor's" one little drop of an acid doing little to no good after the first day to my heel, I have now taken to putting my own salicylic acid to the damnable area to attempt to accelerate the process (or truthfully.... lack of any appreciable progress after day 1).  The area is now softend (on my very heavily calloused heel, and I can see the circle encompassing the entirety of the damnable corn/wart/whatever that has to come out.  The skin around the central core is now whitish in color and soft.  If things continue as anticipated, sometime in the future (hopefully before having to go see the "doctor" again on Friday), the damable thing will pop out like it did for the previous one I had way back when I was a young, early-stage, wet-behind-the ears graduate student so many decades ago.

Because spot and neighboring tissue is softened somewhat by the salicylic acid, I have LESS (by no means NOT zero) pain while walking.  So, I can tolerate normal shoes for short periods of time (started today).  I also decided I could not wait any longer, so I FORCED myself to run this morning.  It felt emotionally good to run even though my damn heel was painful due to the damn spot.  But, I hoofed out 5 miles (~8km), which while not my usual.... was better than the damnable ZERO I had been doing because of the pain.  

The biggest thing I focused on and focus on most of the day, is to walk (or run) very "heel-to-toe" which is my NORMAL GAIT.  For the last couple of weeks as the pain grew more intense with the spot, I had began babying my heel and walking more on the "balls" of my feet (the front part by the toe box).  This change in gait also caused havoc to my lower leg muscles as a result and that further added to my discomfort.  So, all weekend long, I had been engaging in triple, sometimes quadruple the amount of stretching I normally do with my legs, each day.  It has been helpful, and I think it is also a part of the REDUCTION (not elimination) of pain.  

I feel like being grumpy toward the "doctor" on Friday.  He should have froze the damn thing off and it would already be done.  I do not know what my mindset will be on Friday, so I am not sure how it will go.  He likely may be annoyed that I have been putting the salicylic acid on the spot.  If I did not, he could likely continue his foolish "one drop of acid" approach every two weeks through 2027 and I could help him make the last payments on his damn boat mortgage.  If he gives me hell about it, however, it may break the dam in terms of my response(s) back to him.  



Blogger Margaret said...

I hope that the doctor will be understanding about the treatment but too many are set in their own ways and don't want to budge. Hoping for positives!

Wednesday, 09 October, 2024  

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