The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Catch Up


Even though it will be a very busy day, I am hopeful this will also be a very productive day.  Today is the first day this week that I have some FLEXIBLE time in order to be able to play catch up with various additional requirements for my time that have built up this week, and to also try to resolve many things that have just not been able to be fully completed during the robustly full week I have experienced.  

  • I have several late, add-in requests from some students who want to be participating in my research lab with me.  I have always been popular with the kids, but this is a particularly big year, and there have been quite a number of "late bloomers" who have waited until now to ask me.  They do not know nor recognize the substantial paperwork I need to do to officially allow them to be in my lab.  But, I can get most of that done today, I hope for the late hopefuls.  
  • Lots of research things for me to do today as well.
  • Even though my lectures were smooth and confident all week, I now have the need to get a great deal of new electronica ready and released to students for NEXT WEEK'S lectures in my courses so that they can have the materials they need when they get back from Labor Day.  
  • I did eek out time to be able to go to the "Retiree's Cigar Group" although I was a bit late.  However, much to my surprise...  that may have been a good thing for me, because all the fellows greeted me heartily (almost in a "Norm!" fashion, like on "Cheers") upon my entry, which made me feel good.... and not so much of an "outsider".  
  • The place, however, had ran out of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigar I had always been selecting.  As is known here, I really LIKE routine, so loss of my "go to" type.... as well as being late.... was starting to get me feeling a bit "out-of-sorts" but I worked hard to quell those feelings, and simply picked some other Arturo Fuente that was nearby the empty box of Hemingways,  paid for it and sat down.
  • This other cigar was pleasant enough.  It was not as richly flavorful as the A. F. Hemingway, but it was fine.  And, of course... it, nor the A. F. Hemingway compared in any appreciable way to the robustly beautiful flavors, textures, and aromas of a pipe. There is no comparison at all in terms of the pipe's superiority.    But, the cigar was nice, and the conversation was pleasant and fun as well.  The experience was nicely relaxing.
  • On the way back to the U for the "ultra important" unexpected Department Meeting, since I was going to go close to my home as I traveled back, I thought I would stop home to change into a different set of clothes and to swish some mouthwash in my mouth.... in order to decrease the probability of potential negative remarks about my cigar foray from the "dynamic duo" who would be at the meeting.  
  • I needn't have bothered, though, for the more annoying member of the duo was her usual crab-ass self, and still commented to me anyhow.  Oh well. 
  • My wife and I may be going to play Euchre with my SIL and her husband this evening.  If we get to go, it should be fun.  
  • I finished another 10.1 miles this morning (~16 km).... so I am officially at my target of at least 50 miles (~80 km) for the week!  Yeah!   My feet can rest for two days!!!
  • I might push myself to paint the trim on our house this weekend.  Not sure yet, but I will look at the expected weather to see if it will be dry most days. I have plans to possibly "spice up" the trim a bit in a new way as well.  My wife has given me (somewhat hesitantly) approval for the changes I am envisioning.  It involves some different colors and patterning to the trim than it had before. 
In case you were puzzled by my images on this post..... they are representing how my mind is always performing semi-alliterative word play within itself.  I have this going on in my head much of the time.  So, when I initially decided to title this post "Catch Up" it then immediately sprang into my head the similarity of the word Ketchup.... and that reminded me of how (since I really do not like to eat ketchup (not even with its alternative spelling "catsup")) I also used to purposefully mispronounce the word as "Cat Soup" although I would never want my friendly kitty, nor any kitty to be made into soup.  

But, that is my reality.  My mind likes to amuse and bemuse itself by alliterating, alternating, and disambiguating many, many of the words I hear all day long. 



Blogger Margaret said...

I noticed the connection right away! It sounds like you're having a good week except for the crabapple. A relaxing time with the cigar group, a get together with relatives, running goals met, etc. Way to go, PT!

Friday, 30 August, 2024  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

My mind also makes weird word associations.

Saturday, 31 August, 2024  

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