The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024


The other day, I was asked if there was a synonym for the word "synonym".  Initially, I laughed off the question.  But, it stuck with me in the back of my mind. I finally looked up whether there was a try synonym for the word, and even though I could not find a true synonym, I did uncover a new word for me that is SOMEWHAT a synonym for "synonym":

Metonym - a word or phrase used in metonymy.  A figure of speech in which the name of one object or concept is used for that of another to which it is related.  

The example given was.... "The crown" is a metonym for "royalty". 

So, metonym is a new word for me.   But, I am not sure how or if it is actually different from synonym.  

  • We did go play Euchre with my SIL and her husband.  As is typical while playing cards, I allowed myself the indulgence in TWO delightful IPAs.  They were both the delightful "Two Hearted River" IPAs that I am very fond of for their malty, hoppy, dark flavor.  
  • I even SPLURGED and allowed myself to eat TWO pieces of pizza while at my SIL's.  Pizza is one of the foods I have TREMENDOUS difficulty in not over-eating.  But, I felt I could contain my ravenous appetite for pizza by making sure my wife and I left any remaining pizza at my SIL's.  We brought two large pizzas with us.  The two slices I ate had Italian sausage, green pepper and onion.  They were blissfully delicious and I could have easily eaten that entire pizza.  It was, I believe, the first pizza I had eaten in 2024.  
  • I have been a very busy beaver all weekend long with fussing and painting house trim.  For me it is a task that is VERY time consuming as I am exceedingly (perhaps overly, many would say) meticulous because I become quite aggravated at myself over any form of paint drip, or any deviation from an extremely precise, sharp line.  Mistakes that others may have made before me in painting do not bother me, but if I ADD to a problem, it gnaws at me.  I use a helluva lot of blue painter's tape in my work.  And, I spent a huge number of hours prepping, scraping, and taping even before I picked up a paintbrush for the PRIMER.  The garage doors (two) were the MOST time consuming for they had all manner of nooks and crannies that needed lots of fussing type work.  I laid on the first top coat of the real paint yesterday afternoon.  I am likely to put a second top coat (hopefully the last) later this afternoon.  Then in a week, I can begin the process again (hopefully) with taping (ever so precisely) within the new painted areas for the second color of the contrasting trim.  I want to wait at least a week to allow the new paint to harden before putting even blue painter's tape atop of it.  All weekend long, I allowed myself to grip between my teeth, my "painting pipe".   It is an old, battered, worn pipe I have had for at least 35 years, and it has seen better days.  But, it was the pipe that became my "painting pipe" because it was so battered and worn, I did not care if the bowl had paint finger prints or speckles of paint from rollers.  Over the years, it has served its roll admirably.  Although I would have greatly enjoyed having the pipe filled with tobacco and ignited..... that was not allowable, so I worked at being satisfied with it simply being held between my chompers while I worked.  
  • I am off to a decent start running this week.  I ran 10 miles (~16km) yesterday morning on Labor Day, and another 10 miles (~16km) this morning.  So, I did not allow the Holiday to throw me off track on that score.  
  • Something unpleasant happened yesterday.  But, I am still mulling it around in my mind currently.  I do not quite know how/what to write about it.  But, I suspect in a few days, I will be able to discuss it further. 

I picked the image for today because my new word, metonym.... fostered in my mind, images of a close sounding word, metronome.  I have a metronome much like the image.  My parents bought it for me a little over 50 years ago now.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Offhand, and with very little thought, it seems that a metonym might be a synonym but not all synonym are metonyms. Now, you have reminded me that there is something else I want to look up.

Tuesday, 03 September, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

Sorry about the unpleasantness; I hope it's not lingering. I too love pizza; it's the perfect combo of ingredients for me. IPAs aren't my thing but that one does sound interesting.

Wednesday, 04 September, 2024  

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