The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Hurried Trash

Because of the Labor Day holiday, the day of our trash pickup changes to a day later for this week..... today.... Wednesday.  With Wednesday being my most pressing day, time-wise, this was not the greatest occurrence and had me busting my posterior even earlier than usual.  

  • Got up to run at 4:00am.  My new headlamp worked well.  10 miles (~16 km).
  • Had to run around with the usual trash chores.... emptying all waste baskets, deep cleaning the cat's box.  Getting the trash bin and the recycling bin to the curb bright and early (before 7:00am).
  • Pottied our dog.
  • Got ready for heading to the U and made my iced coffee.
  • Arrived at the U at 7:54am.  Proceeded to color my rodents (coloring their fur with a marker for ID purposes.... it wears off after a while). 
  • Called the new dentist I will be going to in order to reschedule my appointment as I had not transferred my old records over to the new place yet and the time chosen (a few months ago) now conflicted with my work schedule.  The new date is a week later.  
I am already tired.  Now, I need to get ready to get over across campus to teach for four hours of "boisterous" and "engaging" lecturing for my two classes.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

You're tired? My app just informed me that I had a terrible night. The stats were worse than I had thought although my watch may have made some mistakes too.

Wednesday, 04 September, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

It was the first day of school in my district and I still remember the feeling of being incredibly busy and EXHAUSTED.

Wednesday, 04 September, 2024  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

I'm not surprised you're tired!

Saturday, 14 September, 2024  

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