The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Lazy But Busy

I feel lazy, but am very busy. It is a conundrum that leads me to leave each day with a headache and not much satisfaction. I need to change this. What am I doing, and what do I want to be doing?

What I am Doing

Putting out "fires" for students going through the registration process... tedious and repetitive and boring and not really a part of my job

Answering phone messages and visits from students upset about their last semester's grades. The need to be kind and polite to these students is essential, but sometimes it is so very, very hard to do. An example is seen in a student who was upset that I gave them a "D" instead of a "C". This student was quite frustrated and let me know it. Even after I calmly explained to him that he received a "gift D" because I curved the final grade somewhat (he EARNED an "F"), and that he was 143 points away from the "gift C" cutoff mark.... he was still not satisfied. I sat back in my chair, and purposefully lit my pipe (to try to drive him out) all the while grinning my furry-faced grin while remaining calm and patient... but he kept yammering away at how he needed the "C" and that the course was too hard.... blah, blah, blah.

Paperwork up to my neck

What I Want to be Doing

Productive things I wish to do include:

Cleaning my office

Cleaning and reogranizing my laboratory

Cleaning and reorganizing my garage

Updating my blog to show all the photoblogs I am growing fond of

But alas, none of these things are possible at the moment. That is why I feel lazy and yet am overly busy.



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