I Wish I Was A Viking
In my efforts to try to stay happier, and to enjoy life more, I have decided to allow myself time to daydream more. It seems that the old adage about daydreaming being foolish and a waste of time was a message I took to heart, because in the past I would often chastise myself under my breath when I caught myself daydreaming.
Well, in thinking about the idea of daydreaming yesterday, I came to the realization that just because I "avoided" daydreaming, does not mean I did not use that time for thinking about things that were not really on task with what I was intending to do. Namely, I *did* recognize that I spent a helluva lot of time focused on feeling sad, feeling edgy, feeling like tearing up and sobbing, or feeling angry.
The reality is that focusing on all that emotional b*llsh*t is really just as big a waste of time as is daydreaming.... but daydreaming is a helluva lot more fun. So, that is what I am trying out. I am going to let myself daydream and fantasize about all manner of different things I would find interesting.
Today, I have been thinking about how fun it would be to be a Viking. Yes, I know all the "real" b*llsh*t... about how the life was hard, the actions tough, the lifespan pretty damn short. I am not talking about the "real" thing. Right now, I am just enjoying imagining all the "good" things that likely could be fantasy... the raucousness, the debauchery, the pillaging, etc... all at the same time getting to wear a cool, spiked helmet, and not even having to shave your neck to keep your beard neat. Grog would be pretty good too, I suspect.
I keep vacillating back and forth between imagining myself to be something like the fellow above and being akin to "Hagar the Horrible".
You sharing your struggle to overcome melancholy or as it is called now - depression has helped me in my own struggle. Feeling down is indeed a huge waste of time, but as you know all too well, it is a trap that is hard to escape from.
Because I refuse to submit to the current rage of resolving my emotional issues through chemistry prescribed by a dysfunctional healthcare system, I have struggled to find my own way out of the deep depression I find myself in more than I used to. Physical activity helps. Writing has helped. But to be truthful, it is connecting with others who suffer a similar problem that has helped the most I think. Keep up the struggle professor and I will too. If day dreaming helps, then I say that is much better than feeling totally useless and joyless.
Thanks for this post.
Hi Professor.....something I read I brought to you.
"Daydreaming for me was a SYMPTOM of my mental state. I now know that I was doing it as it was a more comfortable place than reality. When you daydream there's no effort required and you can go anywhere you want.
If daydreaming is taking you to a better more comfortable place then you need to look at what it is in your life that you would rather avoid. Then ask your self honestly WHY you would prefer to avoid it. Some of us deal with our problems this way, not intentionally but subconsciously and it does work, but it can be very isolating and it doesn't really teach you how to face stuff you'd rather not.
Daydreaming is rather like going back to bed!"
Mr Macrum makes some valid points.....but....... you've been "treating" your depression for several years.
I worry about and wish you'd get professional help.
Stop your fucking whining and man up, or as we say in the west, cowboy up.
If you was a Viking you would take any woman you wanted, something the author in the strip fails to make a point of.
I do enjoy the strip though.
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