The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I Wish She Would Have Won

Well, enough of the b*llsh*t election results are in... and we have a huge lot of new Republican yahoos that will be starting office this January. Do not get me wrong, *some* Republicans can be good, decent leaders. In the same vein, there can be fool, idiot Democrats as well. But, and this is the key... on average, during the last several decades (at least since the 1980s) Democrats have been more pragmatic and more willing to try to find common ground. Republicans, especially of this election cycle, have been polar, rabble-rousing fools that will do nothing except stomp there feet and demand "their way or the highway" on any issue.

While I DID vote for President Obama and feel he has done an average job in his first two years, he was NOT my first choice for the Democratic candidate for the White House. My first pick, and I still believe the better pick, would have been to have Hillary Clinton as the Democrat who ran in 2008.

If Hillary Clinton had been the nominee, I suspect she too would have won, just like President Obama. But, I firmly believe that if Hillary Clinton would have been president these last two years, she would have accomplished MORE than President Obama has been able to do in his two years.

Again, I think President Obama has been "ok" and "average" and I *did* vote for him. I just firmly am of the opinion, we would be in far better straights right now if we would have had Hillary Clinton as president.

We might even have had a world *WITHOUT* the foolish Tea Party.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think we would have a world without the tea party because we have this weird growing group of people that cannot see that their Palin types will destroy them, that they are for no one but themselves. I will never understand the low and middle class not seeing the the very rich are behind the candidates they vote for and they care nothing about them or their lifestyle. It is so sad. I like Obama and I do not think that Clinton, who I like too, would be much farther ahead because there was and is such a mess left by the Bush years, eight years of hell. How quick the people forget that it was the republicans that got us into this mess. Imagine how bad the republicans would have let it get if Obama would have lost. I like Obama because I think he does care what happens to the workers and the poor people in this country. You know, the ones, like us, who make up the majority. In all reality I cannot believe how greedy the republicans have become, and they do not even try to hide it. And still they are voted in. Insane.

Wednesday, 03 November, 2010  
Blogger BBC said...

You fucking crack me up, she would have totally fucked up. Not that I disapprove of her being there. I'm sure that this grand experiment is going to fail so I want women in all government offices so we can stick them with the blame.

My post this morning was about that, it's FUBAR, you can't fix FUBAR.

But you can foolishly keep trying.

Wednesday, 03 November, 2010  

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