The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020



What I am writing about today occurred probably close to 7 years ago.  

High School Reunions are a sort of "mythical" experience according to lore or legend in  (U.S.) American culture.  I had avoided attending any high school reunions over the several decades because I simply was not really interested in hearing about the folks I went to high school with whom I did not already keep in touch with through other means.  

 I do keep in touch regularly with five friends who were important friends in my high school experience. They are great.  But, other than those five, I  never really felt any great need to be in contact with the other ~400 people in my graduating class.  

But, I did go once, for a "milestone" number reunion (as you can read above it was several years ago).  And, I admit it was pleasantly enjoyable.  Two of my five friends also attended this one so that was nice.  I was able to talk some with the girl I took to senior prom.  Interestingly, my "steady" girlfriend for 10th and 11th grade did not attend, so I did not get to see how she transformed after all these decades.  

Most folks were surprised by me.... I did not wear a beard/mustache back in high school, even though I have sported both continuously since I was 19 (I was a late bloomer (late into puberty) as well, which was challenging in junior high and high school).  I was also a bit taller than most seemed to remember.  

As my wife was driving, I also was joyfully able to indulge in a few gin & tonics, so I had a pleasantly "sloshy" feeling during the evening.  

Before I had gone to the reunion, I had briefly though about what it would be like to see two people who I actually did not really like much (understatement) in high school.  These two fellows were classic "bullies".  It was not something I actually dwelled upon for long (that actually surprised me), but it was a fleeting thought in the back of my mind.  I came to find out that one of the two had passed away already.  The other fellow was there.  He was just as loud as he used to be, but did not seem as crass and mean towards folks as he used to be.  He even engaged me in some conversation.  I was surprised.  

It was surprising in some regards..... a) a lot of the folks seemed pretty much the same personality wise to how they were in high school, for better or worse, b) I actually had a lot more hair on my pate than a lot of the other fellows, which surprised me some, c) more of the females of my class remembered me and were chatting with me than I ever thought would, and d) it was actually fun to go in a "detached" sort of way.  I am glad I went, but it wasn't any more fun and not as valuable as taking my wife out on a date or hanging out with my family.    

One last thing.... when I was notified of this "milestone" number reunion, the notification came with a fairly hefty amount of paperwork they asked to have you fill out.  It seemed odd to me, but I filled it out and sent it back.  This was a few months before the "big party".  Well, apparently, all these forms were designed to help folks make a variety of "prizes" that were given away.  

I actually "won" two prizes that day of the twenty or so they gave away:

1.  For the "nerdiest" club"  (for the Biology Club I created, where I tried to get everyone to work on real research experiments).  I received a $20 Gift Card.

2.  For the Member of the Class who ended up going to college and earning the highest degree.  I received a $50 dollar gift card.  



Blogger Forsythia said...

I laughed to myself when I remembered the last H/S reunion I attended. It must have been in the 80's. The main speaker was from Switzerland--he was immensely popular back in the 50's, when he was an exchange student at our school. Well, during his speech he put everyone to sleep by lecturing about the role of US banks in third world sovereign debt. YAWN.

Wednesday, 23 September, 2020  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

Good and worthy rewards!

Sunday, 27 September, 2020  

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