The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sometimes Hard To Remember

Sometimes it is so damn hard to remember something so simple.  

With all the chaotic things that have been happening, especially recently, but truthfully.... for the last few years..... it is all too damn easy to view pretty much EVERYTHING negatively at times.  Yes, there ARE hardships.  Yes, there ARE very, very sh*tty things that do happen.  Yes, there ARE failures I commit.  Yes, there ARE some really mean spirited folks.  Yes, there ARE stupid things that some relatives and friends do. 

But, even though it often takes a helluva lot of energy to do so (at least for me to do so).... even in the midst of the chaos, stress, anxiety, hurt feelings and despair..... you have (I have) the ability to work to see things positively.  

This is not being a "polly-anna" sort.  This is not IGNORING the problems nor the issues.  This is a way to be able to feel BETTER about the day-to-day.  For me, I offer some comparatives:

Initially:  I wake up, and I grumble and curse because I do NOT want to run, and I admit I am growing tired of running especially since my latest fall.

Alternative that I work to force into my mind:  I have the ability TO run.  I am privileged to have at my age, the health and wellness..... of my legs, hips, body and muscles and mind to be able to run.  

* * * * * 

Initially:  The idea of going to the U to do more damn work is annoying.  I do not want to go.  I do not want to see people.  I do not want to sit at a damn computer.  I do not want to work in the damn lab.  I am tired.

Alternative that I work to force into my mind: I have the job/career I had always hoped for and dreamed about when young.  I do LOVE teaching!  I enjoy most things at the U.  I have the opportunity to make a difference for others in my work at the U.

* * * * *

Initially:  I am such a failure.  I am so damn inconsistent.  I do not have any drive, energy, willpower.  I am just a doofus.  I am lazy.  

Alternative that I work to force into my mind:  I have done many things adequately.  I can work harder to have the drive, the energy, and the willpower to do what I know is what I should do.  I may not be a high wattage bulb, but I do still put forth light.  This means I CAN still work to be helpful.  I can work against my lazy/sloth-like tendencies to be better.  I have these options.

Trying to keep the alternative ideas at the front of my mind can help a day be better.



Blogger Pat M. said...

I hope, Professor, that you can apply this practice of comparison to your pipe-smoking as well, and recognize that your life was enriched by your pipes and tobaccos, and that it can be that way again if you choose.

INITIALLY: Pipe-smoking brings health risks and social ostracism.

ALTERNATIVE: You can enjoy your pipes socially (as with the retired cigar smokers), and you can take great care of your health such that (as the 1964 Surgeon General's Report revealed before political pressures and switchers-from-cigarettes muddied the waters) pipe-smoking can be a net benefit as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, 31 July, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I approve of your reframing and I work on that every day. I decided long ago to try to enjoy my life and find joy/the good and I mostly do.

Thursday, 01 August, 2024  

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