The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, August 06, 2024



Two things happened last week that are worth briefly mentioning:

1.  Our beloved dog had her scheduled grooming and bath.  She is mostly a Wheaton Terrier, so she really needs to get a haircut regularly.  But, she is older now, and with that, I get nervous about her appointments.  She is a very rambunctious elder dog when around new folks (defined as anyone not of the immediate household).  She gets so animated and excited that she very nearly will wiggle out of her skin in such happiness and excitement. I worry about her going to the groomer because the experience gets her so excited that now when she comes home she is literally wiped out for at least a day.  But, she did get her grooming, she looks adorable and smells like baby powder as well.  The groomer always gives her a neck bandana to wear at the end.  This time the cloth was a purple plaid color.  

2.  We had, for the first time ever, our house washed (externally).  I am not sure how common it is to do this, but I never grew up knowing anyone who did this.  But, in our neck of the woods, it is a fairly common thing to have done, and I have known about it going on in our region for about the last 25 years or so.  Well, on my run perhaps two weeks ago or so, I ran by side-by-side homes that I see regularly.... but in this instance, BOTH had been washed by a company that then put a sign out in each home's yard advertising their work.  I thought each home looked remarkably bright, clean and damn-near "brand new".  I wrote down the number and contacted the fellow.  It happens that he was a solo owner/worker for his company and he gave a quote for our home that seemed quite reasonable.  He did this washing last Saturday, and the results were quite remarkable!  He washed the roof, the exterior of the gutters and the brick and siding.  It DOES look quite nice!  My wife was surprised and happy about it too.  We may likely plan this for a yearly event.  

Ran my usual 10 miles this morning.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I had never heard of washing a house.

Tuesday, 06 August, 2024  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

Could we please see a photo of your beloved puppy dog.

Tuesday, 06 August, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

Just washing or pressure washing. My house still looks fairly new (recent paint job) but there is bird poop up too high for me to clean off. It annoys me!

Tuesday, 06 August, 2024  
Blogger Liz Hinds said...

I have never heard of washing your house! What an interesting idea.

Thursday, 08 August, 2024  

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