Fragile Eggshells
I was talking in my physiology course yesterday about the development of the human fetus, when I started to describe several different reasons for how women are significantly more susceptible compared with men on developing osteoporosis. One of the myriad of reasons that I described was related to an association of the number of children a women gives birth to during her reproductive lifespan. The more children a women has (especially if she consumes a calcium modest diet), the greater her chance of having osteoporosis later in life. I went on to further explain that physiologically, there are biochemical mechanisms that occur during pregnancy that will if needed, leach out calcium from the woman's own skeletal system to ossify and strengthen the skeletal system of the fetus.
I went on to further describe that this is similar to a process seen in birds. The chicken egg, for instance..... when the developing chick grows within the egg, it will form vascular fields near the egg shell specifically to acquire oxygen from the external environment through diffusion through the shell..... but the vascularization will also allow the developing chick to absorb calcium from the shell to use in the creation of its own bones in its skeletal system. I mentioned then how late in the incubation period for the chicken egg, the shell is structurally much weaker and more fragile.
I talk about this calcium relationship every semester. But, it seemed especially interesting to students in my class this semester, and we spent a good additional 15 minutes discussing their questions, thoughts, and ideas about both chickens and about the disease of osteoporosis. It was interesting to hear their opinions and their ideas, and even their misconceptions on some of these ideas.
I had never thought about the chick gets oxygen while in the egg. That's fascinating.
Hopefully the young women attending paid attention. Child birth is not good for women. Besides, over population is at the base of most environmental problems.
the Ol'Buzzard
Thank you! I admit, I really enjoy talking about these sorts of topics in class. I try to make correlations between species whenever possible.
The risk of osteoporosis is something so many young people think of as being for and about the elderly, without realizing how why they are doing now shapes their risk.
It was always interesting to me how the same teacher and material got such different responses.
Very interesting, PT - I wasn't aware of the link between pregnancies and osteoporosis myself. It's always good to learn new stuff!
I love when I learn new stuff every day.
Yes.... it is fun when it happens in a positive way.... but sometimes, even when you feel you did a really passionate, thought provoking lecture.... you can go the other direction and hear crickets. :)
Yes, it is a much bigger role than most realize and highlights how women especially need to consciously work to consume calcium rich foods throughout life.
:) Thank you!
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