The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Undulating Sines (Signs)

Because I had no actual classes today (I mean Wednesday... it is now near midnight and the start of Thursday), I sort of "played hookey" and just did things with my wife. It was a relaxing day overall. We lounged in bed, listened extensively to classical music on NPR, ran errands, went to lunch together, and shopped a bit.

In the yard, we have had a bit of a setback, as we experienced near frost temperatures Tuesday night to Wednesday morning. Some of the plants look a bit haggard, but with highs expected near 90 tomorrow, perhaps they will rebound quickly.

Although it was a close call in terms of my will, with sheer gumption alone, I was able to berate myself into walking again, for the third day in a row. I would say that my drive and determination overall may have been a bit lower these last 24 hours, but I still put forth an effort to pull myself up by my bootstraps and force myself to do things I hoped to do.

Unfortunately, just a short while ago, I heard some very bad news. One of my students, who was in fact, in class Tuesday evening, was in a very serious automobile accident during the middle of the night... only a few hours after class. I had not learned of this tragic accident earlier because of my not being at the University Wednesday. She is currently in critical condition. She has always been a very careful and dedicated student in the several classes she has taken from me. I will be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.



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