The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Friday, September 24, 2021



I wish I had something profound to say.  But I do not.  I am feeling a bit achy and sad.  I feel like I could use some sleep.  I have been working diligently on my computer all day trying to get class materials set for next week and research materials organized for next week.  I am perhaps at 70% of what I had set out as my goal.  I had hoped to be finished with it all by this time.  

  • I feel pessimistic today about Covid-19.  I do every damn suggested thing to keep from getting this.  But, I am worried I will become one of those "breakout cases" amongst the vaccinated.  I am also worried about the mu and lambda variants which seem to very easily bypass the immune responses set up by the vaccine.  I suspect mu or lambda or both may be the next wave across the U.S.... perhaps starting in November.
  •  My TMJ is bothering me, so that is definitely a factor souring my mood. I am going to flush out my ear canals with dilute peroxide when I get home.  Sometimes, I have found that some of the pain of my jawline from TMJ related clenching is also associated with ear wax buildup.  
  •  I have now completed more than 3.75 years of refraining from my pipes.  Yippee (sarcasm).  I have not been having any especially urgent or deep cravings in the recent past.... but I would still LIKE to be smoking my pipe.  And, I miss remembering my dreams in general.... but especially my dreams about pipe smoking.   
  • I know it is nonsense.... sometimes when I would dream about smoking my pipes..... just sometimes....  I would awaken, and it would FEEL like I had ACTUALLY smoked my pipes.  I would awaken, and my mind would *seem* to be FEELING that wonderfully, gently murky feeling of relaxation from smoking a darker, richer  burley leaf. And, no.... I am not sleep walking (sleep piping?).  On those times it would occur, though.... I felt the beautiful physiology of if I had been truly indulging.  It made me so appreciate those dreams.  It is not reality, but it sure as hell would sometimes feel real.  I would like my dreams to return to my memories, so I have the potential to experience that again.


Blogger Margaret said...

It's nice to have those kind of dreams so that an urge is satisfied in a painless way. I would like to feel optimistic about the virus since some experts are saying that delta is dying down and we may be in fairly decent shape by spring. However, the new variants are a crapshoot. From what I've observed from friends' experiences, the kids are (through no fault of their own) spreading Covid from school or daycare to their vaccinated or unvaccinated relatives and friends. No way to stop that at the moment.

Friday, 24 September, 2021  
Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I hope your sleep and dreams both improve. I saw a headline today about a Moderna guy saying he thought the pandemic would end around mid 2022. It was in passing, and I didn't click, so who knows. Who knows? Maybe I just dreamt that I saw it.

Friday, 24 September, 2021  
Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

I guess we all have our worries.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Saturday, 25 September, 2021  

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