The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Mac Vs Windows


There is a conundrum that occurs at least several times a year for me while working with students here at the U.  It is related to the warring, ongoing debate about Apple computers versus Windows based computers.  Here are my thoughts:

  • I have used both Apple computers and Windows based computers.  
  • I know that some especially "rabid" and "ardent" Apple folks can sometimes be rather STRIDENT in their "Apple, and ONLY Apple" stances at times.  
  • When I used Apple computers, I liked them and appreciated them a great deal.
  • When I used Windows computers, I liked them and appreciated them a great deal.
  • Both Apple and Windows machines have aggravated the living hell out of me at times as well.  

Now, to continue.... I have been thinking about this a great deal recently because I know of a couple of future students who are looking to purchase a new computer before joining our campus.  They happen to be somewhat "strident" sounding, to me, in wanting to buy Apple.  However:

  • In my opinion, you need to have a machine that is most compatible with the environment you are going into.
  • The electronic environment of my U happens to be Windows based.  All classroom technology is Windows based. All teaching podiums are Windows based.  Roughly 95% of faculty have Windows machines in their offices and labs... myself included.  

Do not get me wrong..... I liked Apple when I used it. But, when I used Apple, it was in the "old days" (cough, to me it seems like yesterday, but that was at least three, if not nearly four decades ago) when machines were more like "independent" entities more akin to gussied up typewriters and calculators.... but were stand-alone machines.  BUT.... when the U started to build its campus infrastructure for its network across campus.... the U had to make a choice.... would they move more towards Apple or more towards DOS (for those of you who are still wet behind the ears, DOS is the operating system that was the precursor to what is now Windows).  My U chose to develop around DOS.

So... back to my original focus..... so I tell these future students that they SHOULD buy a Windows machine as it is far more functionally compatible with everything across campus.  I also tell these future students of the many students I have had who INSISTED they knew better and decided to buy an Apple machine.... and how.... while these students COULD exist and navigate across campus..... that in almost EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, they have to do extra effort to get their Apple machine to function on the U's infrastructure.  I also tell these future students that it would, IN MY OPINION, be pretty damn foolish to buy a computer that is less functionally compatible with the work environment where they will be using it for years.  

I have had this discussion with students before.  Usually it falls on deaf ears.  But, I can only offer my advice.  I have had several of these "strident" Apple folks tell me as they near graduation that they WISH they would have gotten a Windows machine for their work at the U. 

Other news:

  • Today's running was a repeat performance of yesterday.... 11.1 miles (~18 km).  But, it was a cooler, beautifully cloudy morning, so the run was quite pleasant and faster as well.  
  • The air quality index this morning had just nudged into the yellow zone.... and I probably SHOULD have ran inside.  BUT... I looked ahead for the next few days and it looks like the air quality index is going to get much worse for much of the rest of the week.  As today's AQI just barely nudged into the yellow zone, I decided to run outside because it is much, much less likely I can do so other days this week.  
  • The dream I had the other day still has been lingering with me.  It is so interesting that the long ago experienced olfactory memory of the pipe tobacco smoked by the avain developmental biologist was SO easy to recall and I can now still think through and experience in my imagination, that beautiful aroma now.  I do wish I knew what the actual pipe tobacco was.  My guess is that it may have been a somewhat custom blend he had the folks at the tobacconist make for him.  It seems like something me might have preferred.  Again, I was rather intimidated by him in graduate school... he was extremely detail focused and rather absolutist in thoughts... so I can imagine he may have discerned the precise composition of blends he wanted for his pipe mixture and guided it to be accomplished for him.  
  • I have never been (at least as I believe) a detail focused sort of individual, nor am I an "absolutist" in any fashion, except perhaps in my expectations for myself.  I never thought of having a special pipe tobacco blend made for me to some exact standards.... I liked them all, and they all had merit.  

Just to reiterate.... because sometimes Apple folks can become a bit.... uh.... intense (my colleague and dear friend who passed away two years ago (the one I wrote who joined the U a year after I did, and he was the one who had the heart attack while sleeping) was one of the few Apple holdouts on campus and he was rather intense about it...... but:

I DO NOT DISLIKE APPLE.  I simply think it is foolish to struggle with an Apple system that is not well suited for  the network and system of a U that has built its infrastructure around Windows.



Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Most photographers seem to use Macs. They are beautiful machines that do draw me. I need to purchase a new computer, but I am torn., but I will probably stick with the system that I know.

Apples are expensive. Many consumers move from the cheap PC to expensive Mac and extol its virtues. But they may have been just as pleased with a quality PC.

Tuesday, 01 August, 2023  
Blogger Margaret said...

I too have used both machines and liked them. However, when my district moved to WIN, so did I. It was a nightmare to try to imput grades with a non-compliant computer. Microsoft (as you know) is in my back yard and my brother works (peripherally) for BG. But I do have an iPhone. :)

Thursday, 03 August, 2023  

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