The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor

............................................ ............................................ A blog devoted to the ramblings of a small town, middle aged college professor as he experiences life and all its strange variances.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Routine, Comments & More


In my effort to try to find a way to see the positive sides of life (akin to what I alluded to a few posts ago about the fact that I get to do many of the things I DO enjoy, but that things often feel like such a burden), I am going to work to get back into a morning posting routine here like I have often had.  For the last several months I left my posting to be rather haphazard in terms of time of day, and this resulted in far more missed days as I became burdened and busy with various work things.  

* * * * 

More replies to comments (something I want to try to establish doing for comments once a week):

Margaret mentioned recently about the learning styles post that.... "(She) was close in every category except concrete random. (She does not) ever process concrete info in a random way. (She knows) this about (her)self; it's why in any group effort assigned a task, (she) tends to "take charge" and get everything (and everyone) organized. 

To me that is very interesting, as that organizing ability is part of the "Concrete Sequential" style, which has never been a strong suit for me.  I dislike attempting to get folks organized, and as my learning styles are (1st very strong "Abstract Sequential" and 2nd "Concrete Random") I actually tend to feel some discomfort in group work, and find organizing of group work to be mentally exhausting and sometimes a bit overwhelming. 

AC mentioned to me that.... "You seem to be carrying a heavy burden recently."

Yes, AC is correct in terms of his insight here.  It is difficult to try to talk about (part includes what I do not talk about here any longer) because no matter how I try to reason through it in my mind, I cannot discern any way to improve the situations nor how to even begin to address them in some fashion that would not be more problematic than helpful. So I feel very "stuck" without options.  

Pat mentioned a few posts ago about.... "...looking forward to news of your Thursday social occasion. You certainly benefit from whatever happy socialization you can find, so I'm hoping you didn't stay home and skip the event."  

Pat, I thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I do miss it when you are unable to post comments.  Unfortunately, as you likely read.... the looked-forward to venture to the retirees cigar group was something I unfortunately had to cancel due to other's needs.  It was a SIGNIFICANT disappointment to me.  I especially had been looking forward to it.  I was still unsure if I would have indulged in a cigar to better "fit in" or if I would have instead unpacked my pipe.  But, the loss of the potential camaraderie in either scenario was difficult. I am thinking/hoping that in July, I should have a few (perhaps even several) Thursday mid-day times free so I can traverse there to see if it is as enjoyable as I am anticipating.

Peppylady mentioned that.... "School schedule sure change over the years."

I think it is more that various schools adopt their own particular schedules.  In my region, most schools have a Fall and Spring semester and then one or two accelerated Summer semesters.  But, in my travels I have seen a WIDE array of different approaches.  

* * * *

  • I ran 12.4 miles (~20 km) this morning.  I am trying to be more consistent in IMMEDIATELY getting up to get my run in too.  Some mornings I had been getting rather lackadaisical and sloth-like in terms of getting up when I should and this would then disrupt the remainder of my day.  I want to consistently roust myself out of bed at 5:00am at the latest again.
  • Things are looking quite promising for the Chicago trip and I should know soon.  It would allow me to be in the delightful land of Iwan Ries on June 6th I believe.  I have already been experiencing considerable delight in terms of planning to take one of my favorite pipes with me to have the opportunity to have a blessed bowlful of some of their leaf.  The anticipation of the joyfulness of such an excursion is difficult to put into words with sufficient aplomb.  But the smile it brings to my furry face is palpable.  I can FEEL the difference in my countenance just thinking about it.  I guess that would seen odd to most folks, but it is wholly palpable to me.   
  • While I always enjoy cocoa flavors in ANYTHING.... this past weekend I was able to have with my wife some delightful ice cream and in my order I had 1/2 of my ice cream be what is called "Bear Claw" which is a deep chocolate ice cream with chocolate covered cashews (the cashews are the "claws" of the bear) and the other 1/2 was moose tracks (a vanilla based ice cream, but with heavy (HEAVY) bands of the deepest, darkest chocolate fudge paste, small chocolate, peanut-butter cups and (in this version) small chunks of dark chocolate brownie.  Also this weekend I indulged myself in having a strong "cocoa" coffee.  I did this with some instant coffee that I made ~24 ounces of  VERY strong coffee and added three heaping teaspoons of extra dark cocoa powder to..... then I microwaved the hell out of it so it boiled well.  Then after boiling, I added just a bit of sugar so it could be tasted, a little bit of vanilla syrup, and then poured it over crushed ice to make a ~44 ounce iced coffee.  It was chocolately and rich.  I had it with breakfast Sunday morning.  I have also had cocoa imbued pipe tobacco previously.  Perhaps they may have such a blend when (if) I DO get to indulge in a bowlful of that cocoa tinctured leaf in the illustrious Iwan Ries?!?!  


Blogger Anvilcloud said...

When I went to uni in the lates 60s, U of Guelph was the only one to offer 3 full trimesters although the summer trimester did not always have quite the same range of choices. I went 8 straight, which was probably not the best for me in some ways, but it did get me through a year earlier and out into the workforce.

Monday, 27 May, 2024  
Blogger Margaret said...

I've had Moose Tracks (yum!) but not Bear Claw--which I would love since cashews are my favorite nut. I'm excited for the possible (probable?) Chicago trip. By the group work, I meant that when you start out, the assignment might be very random and I enjoy imposing my sequential nature to it although I'm highly abstract random as well. Sorry about the family issues--I have them too. :(

Monday, 27 May, 2024  

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